Opening Opportunities

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Adriana couldn't help but giggle while filling out the job application due to her constantly looking up at the handsome young man work the cafe counter with his swift movements, receiving orders and giving customers their orders. She loved the way his hair swung with his movements. She wondered how it smelled, which was quite a weird thought. "If you're wishing to work here, I suggest you either get your eyes off of Jacob or leave because he's mine." a girl's voice grumbled within Adriana's ear. She turned to see who this enemy was. A plastic blonde stood in front of her with her caked on makeup to make her skin appear "flawless", bright green eye shadow and lipstick to match, dirty blonde hair extensions, and a skin tight, bright, green cocktail dress all entangled in a really gross mess. Adriana grunted. "What? No reply? That means I've won. Now leave!" the girl screamed at Adriana. All of the customers within the cafe turned their heads and glanced at the girl to see what was happening. Jacob removed his wrinkled, black apron and strolled towards the two. "If you cared to pay attention earlier Brenda, you would have noticed that she's medically unable to speak." Jacob told and scowled at the blonde and handed Adriana his right hand that was covered in band wristbands. She gripped his hand and squeezed tightly as she got up from the black stool that stood at the round school table. Adriana blushed as she noticed his white Pierce the Veil shirt clinging to his abdomen that showed his well toned 6 pack. Adriana quickly turned away as Jacob walked her to the cafe counter. "I apologize for Brenda's disgusting behavior towards you. You can have a free coffee on me." he told, once again gracing her with his beautiful smile. Adriana blushed more as she scanned the menu on the top section of the wall that hung above the cafe counter. Brenda scanned Adriana's resume and job application. "Frocello!? Adriana Frocello! Daughter of the top doctors of several countries and pharmaceutical business owners!?!" Brenda screamed well above her lungs as she pointed towards Adriana. The entire cafe turned towards Adriana. "Adriana Frocello! The leading pageant model who retired with the title of universal queen at the age of 12!" Brenda began to holler once again. Adriana began to panic and she frantically ran towards the cafe doors, sprawling to run back home. While leaving the cafe, she dropped her house keys on the floor when she dug into her purse to grab her phone to text her parents the predicament she was in. Jacob dashed to reach the young girl as both of their hair whipped in the wind that blew from the doors opening with such power. He reached down to get her keys and began to follow her but Brenda gripped his arm and threw herself upon him, while whining and groaning about Adriana supposedly watlzing in here like she owned the place because of her parent's money. Jacob shook off the girl with his broad shoulders and looked outside to find Adriana but she had already disappeared. Jacob walked back into the cafe. "I have to finish my shift and that won't end til midnight. This blows..." he mumbled up under his breath. 

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