Life Is A Struggle

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Jacob watched his love as she slept. He often got up to caress her gentle cheek or use the restroom but other than that, he stayed there by her side, not moving until she decides she wants to wake. Jacob didn't eat, even when the nurses advised him to but he sat there, emotionless, waiting for Adriana for hours into the day and soon to be night. She moved slightly and he got excited only to find her groaning and turning onto her other side for the baby was feeling rather uncomfortable. He chuckled at her actions and gracefully rubbed the evolving belly on Adriana's body. He placed his ear to the small bump and whispered. "Don't be so restless little one. Everything will be okay. Just get some sleep and mommy will be awake soon to feed you, my bundle of joy." "That's so cute." Adriana mumbled as her eyes blinked open. She was finally awake. "There's my main bundle of joy. I see you are finally waking up." he chuckled. She sat up straight as her hair fell onto her shoulders. Jacob pulled her into his embrace but quickly let go as his stomach roared on. "I haven't eaten since you went to sleep." he explained. "Which was 17 hours." he added. Adriana stared at him in complete shock. "I was completely fine. Just asleep. Go get something to eat before you starve to death." she instructed. He leapt up immediately and made his way out of the hospital room to head to the cafeteria to purchase a sandwich of some sort. That thought tickled him and he chuckled as he passed nurses dressed in purple, pink, black polka dots, and chihuahua patterned uniforms. Eventually he found the sign for the cafeteria after at least fifteen minutes of searching. It was rather crowded and as soon as he entered the creme colored room full of nurses sitting at blue tables with their visiting friends dressed in simple jeans and graphic tees or black business suits, everyone began to stare at him. "That's the one everyone is talking about." a nurse whispers into another's ears. He looked around him and stared in sudden confusion. "His girlfriend's family rich and powerful. They own this hospital...." "I bet he's just with her for her money." "I heard he got her pregnant." "With her for her money or not, she's a gorgeous model and he's a handsome guy that should be one." Jacob heard the mellow whispers of the people and he decided to exit the room in fear of what would happen. Would they ambush him? Would they try to hurt his Adriana? He made his way back to her room and closed the door behind him. "Is everything alright?" Adriana asked, her voice soft and sweet. He approached her slowly, caressing her cheek and then kissing it tenderly. "Yes I'm fine. I will just get some food after you're discharged from the hospital." he explained. Adriana just looked at him with a sad expression, knowing that she in unable to change his mind at all. 

*a few hours later*

Jacob and Adriana were walking home in the pitch black night back to their apartment and before they knew it, the sun was begining to rise. It's beauty shined through the skies, emitting a orange red color as the blackened night turned into a crisp blue. Jacob gasped as it suddenly hit him..... He told their boss about Adriana being pregnant so her work days were slim to none but for Jacob, he had to work almost the entire week and he completely skipped yesterday. Hopefully their boss would understand his predicament and forgive him. Jacob dropped Adriana off at their home and made his way back to the cafe. Their boss immediately grabbed Jacob and snatched him to the back of the cafe as soon as he walked through the door. "Where were you yesterday?" he asked. "Adriana fainted in the shower and I took her to the hospital." Jacob explained. "Pregnancy issues. Ah. Next time call me alright. Now get to work. We have a new trainee to replace Adriana for the time being." he explained and laughed. "Her name is Anabeth." he added as he began walking away. 

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