Slumber party! Part 1

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Adriana giggled lightly as she looked over at Jacob wondering off into his own imagination while he pranced around her home, making sure not to break any objects that lied on top of their almond colored furniture sets. Jacob made his way back to her, at the front door, and took her into his grasp. She blushed again for her face rested against his chest and she heard his pounding heartbeat. "Well, I should be on my way home." Jacob told her and he squeezed her lovingly. Adriana shook her head slightly but then threw her hands in the air after realizing what she had done. "I'll stay with you then....well if you want me to." he replied after chuckling cutely. Adriana smiled as her cheek flustered. She nodded for him to stay. Jacob began to walk off and explore their house. Adriana did not mind his adventure without permission for she wished to see his amazed and dazzling expression once more as she began to take the elevator  up to her room floor. The chrome elevator reached her floor with a ding and a shuffle as the doors opened to reveal the carpeted hallway filled with various colored doors attached to the creamy colored walls. Adriana opened the door to her room and flipped the light switch with a gentle click as the overhead light luminated her room with a beautiful glow. Adriana smiled for she was at home at last. Jacob soon came trailing into her room behind her. He startled her when she turned to face her doorway and he stood there in the way. "Wow. Your room is awesome." he stated as he approached her trophy shelves. "All of these are yours? Wow. I know you're very beautiful but holy crap this is amazing."  he told her as he chuckled. Jacob turned to face her only to see a flustered and startled face. "Yes. I called you beautiful. It's because you are." he added as he strolled back towards her bedroom doorway. Adriana still could not believe that he called her beautiful. She knows that she is but to hear him say it with her own ears caused her radiant Indian skin to burn with love. Jacob turned towards her once again. "I need to shower after working all night. Do you mind lending me a towel, washcloth and a pair of pajamas?" he asked her kindly. Adriana just slightly nodded for she was still in her daze of "omg he called me beautiful". She dashed down the hallway to reach the purple closet that held all of the fluffy towels and clothes. Adriana grabbed a set and dashed her way back down the hallway to her room. Adriana stood in the doorway about to have a heart attack and die on her floor. She trembled as she held the towel near her heart. Jacob stood in her room, shirtless and revealing his beautiful cream colored skin and well toned abs. His belt clung to his hips but were unbuckled. "Oh. Sorry. I really should be doing this in the bathroom. I think I got a little too comfortable in your home. I apologize again." he bowed and explained before accepting the towel and cloth from her hands. After Jacob made a mad dash to the shower, Adriana internally squealed while jumping up and down onto the pretty white carpet, leaving her footprints imprinted onto it. While waiting Adriana, went to the other bathroom downstairs and showered herself. 


Adriana threw herself out onto her bed. The pink comforter ruffled along with her sky blue, cupcake pajamas, custom made for her by Hollister. She smiled to herself as she looked up at the cieling, still imagining the image she saw earlier. Jacob knocked and entered her room quite embarassed. "Um...Adriana. May I please have a pair of pajamas? This is rather awkard." he asked and told. Adriana looked up at him and nearly passed out. There Jacob was, once again shirtless with water droplets running down his fit body down to his toned legs. His blonde hair was wet and clinging to his gorgeous face as his eyes sparkled when they met one another's. The white towel Adriana gave him earlier was wrapped around his waist. Let's just say that Adriana was rather hot and bothered by all the sights today. She raced to grab a pair of pajamas and pair of boxers from her father's clothing  section and gave them to Jacob. Both of them were quite fit so it should be a match. She handed them to Jacob as he thanked her and made his way back towards the bathroom. Talk about oo la la. Adriana stood in her room, mouth wide open for she had never seen such a fit person before so close to her. Ever. Generally all of the people she modeled with who tended to be rather fit, generally tried to avoid her for they felt inferior or canceled for they felt she was too ugly for their standards. "I don't know what to do...oh my gosh oh my gosh." she pondered and thought while she waited for her secret love to exit the bathroom so they can at least chat a bit before she nodded off into dream land. Why exactly is she trusting him soo much when they barely know one another? 

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