Getting There (Jessie POV)

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We stayed in the park a little longer so Cassie could play with her friends and then Carlos offered to walk me home. I didn't really want to go home yet because for the first time since I'd been back, I actually felt comfortable. And I hadn't felt this comfortability until Carlos came back and I was around him. I didn't really notice how uncomfortable I was before until I sat with him on the swings, but once I did it was clear that I had been.

            Carlos was just so easygoing and sweet that it was hard for me to really be uncomfortable around him. His smile relaxed me whenever I saw it and his brown eyes disarmed me quicker than anything else ever had. Even when Carlos was telling me everything that we had been through together, he did it in a soothing tone that told you he was remembering it all like it was happening just then and for a while it felt like I could see it all too. But then I would look at him and get distracted by the slightest movement he made and it all just disappeared. I could hear what he was telling me but I couldn't see it and it was frustrating to me. But when Carlos looked at me when it was all over, I knew it was just as frustrating to him. The guy who obviously cared about me so much, who had to watch from the sidelines while his girlfriend struggled to remember even just one thing he said.

            It seemed kind of weird to reference myself as his girlfriend in my head, but the feeling barely lasted a second and then it felt completely normal and right. So when Carlos offered to walk me home, I agreed, but then asked him to hang out a while. And to me that felt even more right than I could have imagined; especially when he smiled brightly and said he would like that.

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