Rooftop (Jessie and Carlos POV)

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Jessie POV

            Turning over on my bed, I groaned as I tried to open my eyes and felt a sudden migraine. When I finally managed to open them, the light streaming in from the window seemed too bright and made the migraine worse. I stumbled out of my bed and over to my desk drawer, taking out some aspirin and washing it down with some water from the mini fridge. I winced as I dropped back on my bed, trying to remember what exactly happened for me to have such a migraine. But the last thing I remembered was Carlos walking me back to the dorm after our run in with Michael and even then I didn't remember making it back here. The room door opened as Samara started walking inside and I heard her say “I already told you Carlos, she's asleep.” She closed the door behind her and looked surprised when she saw me awake on my bed. “Oh, hey,” she said, clearly dealing with her hangover from last night. “How are you?”

            “Feeling like crap,” I answered.

            “Don't worry, you'll get over it,” she said as she walked over to her bed. “It'll be harder since you live across the hall from each other but you can always ask to switch rooms next semester.”

            I sat up and stared at Samara blankly. “What are you talking about?” I asked.

            “You and Carlos breaking up,” she said like it was obvious.

            “What?” I asked incredulously. “We... when did this happen?”

            “Last night,” Samara said, beginning to sound uncertain. “You told me about it when you got home from the party last night. And Carlos has been trying to talk to you all morning. The guy probably thought I was lying to him the whole time about you being asleep. Don't you remember?” I just continued to stare at her blankly until I finally managed to shake my head no. “So what were you saying you felt like crap about?”

            “I have a migraine,” I spit out finally. “That's all I knew was wrong. I don't remember anything about me and Carlos breaking up!”

            “That's weird considering you broke up with him,” Samara said slowly, watching my reaction.

            “I did what?” I almost shrieked. “Why would I do that?”

            “I don't know,” Samara said. “I mean you came in last night rambling about how you couldn't believe he ever loved you when he denied you so readily. You said something about it was better to be rid of him now then to wait until further in when he would have really broken your heart. You said some other stuff too but it didn't really make much sense to me since I was pretty drunk myself. I mean, I thought I even imagined that you said you broke up because I never would have thought you two would have.”

            “I don't remember this,” I said quietly.

            “What do you remember?” Samara asked.

            “Being at the party,” I said. “We ran into someone we don't particularly like and then we left. I remember me and Carlos walking back to the dorm but I don't even remember getting here or anything else that happened after that.”

            “Uh oh,” Samara said, getting up and sitting on my bed next to me. “That doesn't sound good at all. What did you have to drink?”

            “Nothing,” I said defensively. “All I had was the bottled water that Carlos handed me.”

            “It was closed when he gave it to you?” she asked.

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