A Trap. Chapter 4.

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Mikasa told everyone her plan. Using trick magic on the commander Erwin to tell Levi orders about him riding around alone in the woods to check them out with no other soldiers. Lucky for them it worked and in the morning Levi would be riding into the woods and stay there till night before coming back.But what Levi doesn't know is that eren, Armin, jean and mikasa will be hiding in the tress and keeping a look out for a certain person to catch or to protect Levi if needed. 


"I'm so sleepy, I hope we catch this person quick" Eren yawns and stretch as he leans on a tree. "idiot stay awake, Levi will be riding our way soon" Jean hissed. "we better get to our tress now, you know how well Levi works and we dont want him coming here fast and seeing us or the plan fails" Armin said worried. "remember to send a magic signal if you see someone or feel the dark power" Mikasa said before everyone ran to different tress far away from each other. 

"Levi just passing me, I dont sense anything but he checking these woods so easy" Armin says worried as he talks in there heads. "I know what you mean, not even a bird here and the mission shouldn't be this easy" eren said with worry in there heads. "it just means something going to happen and I bet it wont be good" Jean said worried and everyone knew this wont be easy. "hold on I sense someone coming, use magic and hide they using a tracking magic on Levi" Mikasa said coldly and everyone cloaked themselves. 

"why the hell would Erwin give me orders to check an unused woods" Levi said puzzled as rid but stopped when he had a bad feeling. "who there" Levi yelled as he felt someone near. "no way he can see me right" mikasa thought but then she felt a sharp pain, dark powers was being used and it was close. How do mikasa know this is because the pain unbearable and she wants to scream but she doesn't. 

"come out soldier" Levi orders as he see someone in a cloak not far ahead of him. "they here" mikasa says to herself and sends out the magic signal for the rest. "shit" mikasa moans as the pain gets stronger and any normal person or normal demon would be dead by the pain by now but she was holding on, she had to save Levi.

"fuck" Levi yelps as something hits him hard sending him into a tree but he didnt even see anything just felt a strong force hit him. "a demon, oh fuck" mikasa hiss since she could see it but a human wouldn't unless granted permission to see them. "you shall die Levi" a voice said with anger and mikasa could tell it was a girls but who was she but worried her more was how much dark powers she was using to control this demon. "shit, this is gonna die" Mikasa says annoyed and jumps of the branch to fall to the ground and normally it would be fine since she a demon but the pain from the dark powers she can used made it so horrible for poor mikasa. 

"why dont you pick on someone stronger, ass" mikasa says with a smirk as she knees on the ground and looks to see the demon. He was huge, strong and could kill her easy while mikasa was in so much pain from its master dark powers. "soldier get out of here, that's an order" Levi yells as he sat injured under a tree. "dont worry captain Levi, help will take you somewhere safe" Mikasa says back without turning to him. "dont waste your life on me, just go" Levi yells with anger but mikasa just stood. "who says I'm wasting my life for you sir" Mikasa hissed and faced the girl. 

"yo crazy dark chick, if your gonna try and kills us then show me your face" Mikasa yells and the girls turns to her. "a human, angle, demon mix blood how sad, it seems that no kind accepts you or even wants you alive really, the angles, humans and even demons want you dead but you do have a rare power stronger then any other kind" the girl speaks. "who cares if I dont belong, I still have people who holds me in there heart with a smile" Mikasa yells back and gets ready to fight the other demon. "your brace but so sad, I wish to cry when I see you soul vibe colours" the girls says upset. "cry all you want just show me your face" mikasa yells and the girls take the hood of. She was pretty, short, golden hair and deep blue ocean eyes with pink lips. "who the fuck is she" Mikasa said shocked hoping to know her or for Levi to know. "isn't she your enemy or something" Levi asked and mikasa shook her head. 

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