C-Captain. Chapter 2.

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Mikasa soon dropped both eren and jean to the ground making a thud sound as they landed, mikasa was too focused on a pair of cold but pretty eye. "captain Levi" Armin saluted with worry. "what going on here" captain hanji yelled with worry since it was everyone first day and a fight already broke out. "just some friendly practice captain hanji" Jean said as he and eren quickly stood. "we were just messing around to lose some of our nervousness since we learned we be taught by just famous amazing captains" eren lied with a grin. "is this true" the short handsome man mikasa met before know as Levi asked as he didnt look away from mikasa eyes. "boys will be boys" mikasa said back with her cold voice but her eyes staying locked with Levis. "we see, well your soldiers now so no more fucking away, act as a true soldier or just leave, if this happens again you will be delt with" a tall blonde boy with blue eyes said with worry and the three boys nodded. Mikasa was to bust looking into Levi eyes to turn to the blonde but he had a similar smell to someone she used to know but who. 

"well you lot better go line up, the rest of the class will be here soon to start training" captain hanji ordered and everyone saluted. "you idiot you nearly got us in trouble" jean hissed. "dont blame me, your the stupid dick who started trashing us" eren hissed back. "we better go and stop them from messing up again" Armin said with a worried smile as he waited for mikasa and she started to turn. "Oi brat, what your name" Levi yelled and mikasa stopped before turning to him. "you see later at the tower, captain Levi" Mikasa said and the sun hit her perfectly making her beauty shine and making her look like angle and Levi couldn't look away. "we got some real trouble makers this year" the tall blonde known as captain farlan said with a smile and the captains nodded. 


"do you know captain Levi, dont tell me you used your horrible magic on him" eren hissed with anger. "we not as low as angles to use magic on the target and the soldier worth a hundred men who gonna save the world" jean hissed back. "lets just worry about protecting him and completing the mission so we all can go home safe" Armin said with a smile. "i have a feeling this mission not going to be so easy, many people want him dead for just be popular" mikasa said as she stared at Levi from where the stood. 

"oh hello, looks like I'm in the same class as you roommate" a brown hair freckled boy with a god like smile said as he walked over to jean. "yeah, guess we be fighting together so lets work well together" jean smirked. "oh looks its the idiots fighting on the first day" a bald short bean know as Connie laughed as he walked over with a small group. "you much more of an idiot, so you cant really call these idiots stupid" a strong build blonde boy know as rinner said with a smirk. "hey we might be stupid but we didnt start a fight near the captains on the first day" a girls with brown hair and eating bread know as Sasha said with a smile. "no but you did get told of about being messy" a tall brown hair girl with freckles known as ymir said rolling her eyes. "dont be mean, we all going to be fighting with each other so be nice" a small blonde girl known as christa said with a smile. "yeah lets get along well and help each other out" a tall brown hair boy known as barthold said with a smile. "sure sounds great, i guess we met our unit" Armin smiled to everyone and then smiled at mikasa. "this is going to be a long mission" Mikasa said as she turned back to Levi to find out he was looking over to her this tine. 

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