Chapter 1

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Monday in the Bieber- Gomez house
Selena: Clare time to get up!! (Screams from downstairs)
Clare's pov
I rolled over to grab my phone and checked that it was nine in the morning and it's the first day of summer, I groaned and pulled the covers over my head because it's too early to wake up.
End of pov
Selena: hey babe can you see if Clare's up while I finish these pancakes?
Justin: yeah and good morning, by the way (pecks her on the lips) you look good in my shirt
Selena: (pecks him on the lips) thank you now go get Clare please
Justin: okay I am going (walks upstairs and knocks on Clare's door)
Clare: (mumbles) go away
Justin: come on it's the first day of summer and your not sleeping all day
Clare: I am tired
Justin: open the door or I am coming in
Clare: don't care
(Justin opens the door and walks over to the bed and pulls the covers off)
Clare: (glares at him) you know I hate when you do that
Justin: sorry princess but we have a long day and you gotta get up
Clare: whyyy
Justin: because we have interviews to go to and an award show tonight so come on
Clare: fineee (sits up) I am up
Justin: good now be down in ten
Clare: I need at least twenty to look good
Justin: fine twenty but not a minute more
Clare: okay okay now get out so I can get ready
Justin: haha okay (leaves the room and closes the door)
Clare's pov
I slowly but surely got out of my bed and walked into my bathroom and took a nice hot shower and got out and walked over to my closet and just stared at it until I decided on a yellow off the shoulder crop top with some high waisted jean shorts and my converse it was a very simple look but definitely had summer vibes. Once I was dressed I decided to leave my light brown natural curls alone and put on a little bit of concealer to cover the bags under my eyes and a bit of eyeshadow and mascara and I was ready to go. I grabbed my phone, charger, headphones and purse and walked downstairs to see my mom serving pancakes on a plate and Justin sitting on the counter.
End of pov
Selena: well it's about time sleeping beauty
Clare: it's summer I should be able to sleep in that's what summer is for
Selena: not today we have a lot to do
Clare: so I have heard
Selena: anyways sit and eat breakfast I am going upstairs to get ready (walks upstairs)
Clare's pov
I served myself some pancakes and poured syrup on them and took a bite when my phone vibrates and I saw it was my friends in the group chat.
End of pov
Group chat
Valerie: it's summer bitches!!! What are we going to do?
Chloe: I was thinking the beach
Jake: I am in
Leo: me too
Jackie: yeah it's the perfect day and tonight Hayden's having a party which we are totally going too right
Valerie: yeah
Chloe: duh
Mike: I just got my license so I'll pick you guys up
Clare: I wish I could go guys :(
Jackie: you have to come! It's not going to be fun without you
Clare: I wish I could go but there's press stuff and an award show tonight
Valerie: you always do that stuff I am sure you can skip one if you wanted too
Clare: I can ask just give me a sec
Jackie: okay
(Clare looks up from her phone just as her mom is coming downstairs)
Clare: hey guys do you think it would be okay if I skipped the interview today? My Friends invited me to go to the beach
Selena: not today babe they are expecting all of us
Clare: fine if I do the interview can I skip the award show and go to a party instead?
Selena: no you can have all day tomorrow to hang out with them but today your stuck with us sorry babe
Clare: whatever (looks back at her phone)
Group chat
Clare: they said no 😭😭
Jake: well that sucks
Jackie: we'll miss you
Valerie: yeah
Clare: we can do something tomorrow at least
Valerie: I guess
Chloe: there's another party tomorrow too
Clare: there's going to be parties every night
Chloe: true and I am sure Ricky will be at one of them
Clare: haha very funny
Jackie: oh please you so like him!
Leo: okay no girl talk on this chat you want to talk boys do it in the other one
Valerie: why? You jealous
Leo: yeah right i just don't want to hear you girls gossip
Chloe: too bad
End of group chat
Clare's pov
Twenty more minutes my mom and Justin were both ready to go so we left the house and got in the car and started driving to this radio station where I know they are going to ask the same boring invasive questions that I hate answering but have no choice to answer. On the way there I plugged in my headphones and listened to music until we got there.
End of pov
Thirty five minutes later
Justin: Clare we are here (gently shakes her since she fell asleep)
Clare: okay (takes her headphones out)
Selena: you remember the rules right?
Clare: yeah smile, be polite take a few pics with the fans and don't talk to paparazzi we go over this every single day
Justin: well then let's go
Clare's pov
As soon we got out of the car and we had security around us we started walking and I could hear the fans screaming at us and paparazzi flashing lights at us for pictures or shouting questions at us but we simply walked up to the building and took a few pics with a couple fans and signed a few phone cases and walked inside the building where we met this blonde blue eyed girl wearing way to much make up and not enough clothing... I already know I am not going to like her and this probably isn't going to end well.
End of pov
Host: alright we are on air in 3..2..1, good morning Los Angles California I am your host Ashley and this morning I am so excited to introduce you to my three guests this morning it's Justin Bieber and his wife Selena along with their daughter Clare!
Clare: (coughs) step daughter
(Selena sends her a glare)
Ashley: I am sorry did you say something
Clare: (smiles) no not at all how are you this morning Ashley?
Ashley: i am great thanks for asking anyways I have a bunch of questions that fans sent in so let's start with that
Justin: okay
Selena: awesome
Ashley: great first question is for Justin and Selena and it's from Elizabeth Bieber 01 and she's asking when do you guys think you'll release your next singles?
Justin: well I have been working in the studio a lot lately and I can't say to much but you'll definitely hear something soon
Selena: I have also been in the studio a lot but I can say you'll be hearing something new sometime next month
Ashley: awesome okay next question comes from Hanna and she wants to know out of joe and Kevin who is your favorite uncle
Clare: haha I am going to have to say joe even though I love them both equally and Kevin might kill me for saying that
Ashley: haha any reason why joe is your favorite?
Clare: he gives really good advice
Ashley: okay I'll take that answer and this is going to be our last question from Sierra and this is for all three of you and it's who are you most excited to see for the mtv music awards tonight?
Clare: definitely Shawn Mendes
Ashley: haha you didn't even hesitate
Selena: i think it'll be cool to see Camilla she's been killing it lately
Ashley: yeah she's really good and aren't you performing tonight as well?
Selena: yes I am actually doing a couple throwback songs maybe just maybe a duet with Justin so I am really excited
Justin: yeah we have something in store
Ashley: yeah anyways that's all the time we have for today but thank you guys for stopping by
Selena: thank you for having us
Ashley: of course your welcome anytime
End of show
Clare's pov
We said bye to Ashley and I have to say that wasn't the worst interview I have done and she didn't turn out to be as bad as I thought she was going to be but now it's time to head to the venue to get ready for the awards tonight.
End of pov
At the venue
Manager: let's get the girls into hair and wardrobe and Justin into wardrobe
Them: okay
?: hi I am Annabelle and this is my partner Jazmine and we are going to help you pick out outfits for the red carpet and then for the show and again for the after party
Selena: okay sounds great
Clare: okay
(They walk into the dressing room and they sit on the couch when Clare's phone starts to ring and she answers)
Phone convo
Clare: hey dad what's up?
Nick: hey princess i just wanted to tell you that we just landed and are on our way to the venue
Clare: okay sounds good i can't wait to see you guys
Joe: Hi niece!
Kevin: hey Clare!
Clare: haha hi uncle joe and kev I can't wait to see you guys did Alena and Valentina come with you?
Kevin: not this time they wanted to stay with Danielle
Clare: aw okay
Nick: alright we'll see you in a little bit love you
Clare: love you too
End of convo
Selena: was that your dad?
Clare: yeah they just landed
Selena: is Demi with him?
Clare: probably
Selena: great (says sarcastically)
Clare: mom she's nick's wife and she used to be your best friend your going to have to get along with her at some point
Selena: I don't have to do anything
Clare: your not jealous of her are you?
Selena: absolutely not! I love Justin but her and I have issues of our own that don't have anything to do with nick
Clare: okay no need to get defensive I was just making sure
(Annabelle walks in with a bunch of dresses and Jazmine walks in with a bunch of hair stuff)
Jazmine: okay so what are you girls thinking for hair?
Selena: I am thinking just straight and curl it at that bottom
Jazmine: okay a simple but cute look what about you Clare?
Clare: I think if we put my hair in a bun with a few curls coming down in the front it'll look really cute
Annabelle: I agree, okay let's start hair and wardrobe will be last
Girls: okay
Clare's pov
It took them an hour to finish our hair but I have to admit it did look super cute, but now we move on to wardrobe and then make up which is my least favorite because I hate putting to much on my face.
End of pov
(Annabelle and Jazmine start showing them the dresses when there's a knock on the door)
Jazmine: come in
(The door opens)
Justin: hey guys just wanted to check in and see how it's going oh and I brought a couple people (walks in wearing a black and white suit)
Nick: hey guys
Clare: daddy!! (Walks over and hugs him)
Nick: I missed you
Clare: I missed you too
Joe: well I guess you didn't miss me then
Clare: of course I did (hugs him) and you too uncle Kevin (hugs him)
Kevin: aww I missed you too
Demi: forgetting about someone (laughs)
Clare: course not, hi Demi (hugs her) how are you?
Demi: I am good, Selena it's nice to see you
Selena: you too
Jazmine: well now that all of you guys are here let's start doing Demi's hair and then we can get her into wardrobe too
Demi: okay sounds good
Annabelle: great now boys let us finish with the girls you'll get them back later
Justin: haha okay (kisses Selena)
Nick: alright I'll see you two girls later
(The boys walk out so it's just the girls)
Clare's pov
Well this isn't awkward at all my mom and step mom in the same room along with Jazmine and Annabelle who I am sure could also feel the tension in the room which couldn't even be cut with a knife, they are barely speaking to each other and I don't know if I should try and cut the tension by asking what I am going to wear.
End of pov
Clare: so Annabelle what do you think I should wear?
Annabelle: well your fifteen so we want you to look your age but still feel cute so I was thinking this (pulls out a pink sequin multi layer skater dress with pink close toed heels)
Clare: (squeals) it's so cute!!!!
Selena: yeah I love it, try it on
Clare: okay! (Takes it and walks into the changing room and comes out a few minutes later) what do you think?
Demi: pink is perfect with your skin tone
Clare: thanks (smiles)
Annabelle: I love it, what do you think Jazmine?
Jazmine: absolutely
Annabelle: should that be for the carpet, the show or the after party though?
Jazmine: I think that should be the after party dress, for the carpet let's go a little bit longer and for the show let's do something in the middle
Annabelle: okay so Clare take that one off and then put it on the couch while I look for the other two
Clare: okay
Clare's pov
Picking out the dresses is what took the longest we finally decided on what to wear around five thirty. So for the carpet I am wearing a pink long v-neck open back dress with sheer bodice and pretty designs at the top, for the show I am wearing a white off the shoulder floral print body con dress and you already know the after party dress. My mom is wearing a long gold dress for the carpet, a white cocktail dress for the show and a short red dress for the after party. Demi chose a lavender colored dress for the carpet, a black and white dress for the show and a black body con dress for the after party. Once we had all the outfits picked out it was time for makeup which took two hours we were finally done by six thirty and the carpet was going to start by seven so they took us to the area where all the guys were.
End of POV
Manager: okay so usually we would have Clare walk the carpet with Justin and Selena but since everyone is here we are going to have you guys walk together, you know the drill pose for the paparazzi and smile and you guys are Hollywood's biggest happy family
Nick: no worries we got it
Manager: okay great
Red carpet starts
Clare's pov
We all walked out onto the carpet and walked over to the spot to take pictures I was in between my mom and nick while Justin was on Selena's left and Demi was on nick's right and then joe and Keven on either side. The paparazzi were going crazy taking pictures and the flashes were really bothering my eyes but I just kept smiling and posing until they told us we can go inside so we waved to the paparazzi and walked to the building and found our seats. The show was just like any award show they had the host and the nominees and the performances of course which went great. My dad and uncles won the award for best pop/rock band, Justin won best male singer and my mom won best collaboration for Taki Taki and Demi won best female singer which my mom was also a nominee for so like not awkward at all right. Anyways after the show it was time for the after party where I met Shawn Mendez and I could help but feel start struck since I love him and it was the first time I met him, and seeing Cardi was really cool but I grew up coming to these and by two in the morning I was ready to go home.
End of POV
Nick: hey Clare, we are going to head out and we are going to be here for the week so do you want to come with us?
Clare: yeah sure let's just find mom and ask her
Nick: okay
(They walk around until they find Selena and Justin talking to Taylor Swift)
Nick: hey Selena do you mind if I take Clare for the week? We'll stop by tomorrow and grab what she needs
Selena: yeah I guess that's fine
Nick: alright we'll see you tomorrow
Justin: bye guys, night Clare (hugs her)
Clare: night Justin, night mom (hugs them)
Joe: ready to head out?
Nick: yeah let's go
Clare's pov
We left the afterparty and got into the limo and as soon as I put my head on dad's shoulder I was so exhausted that sleep took over.
End of pov

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