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Severus Snape was having one hell of a bad day. A few weeks ago he had switched sides in the civil war of magic. Did that let him get away from the soulless creature, for no man could do the things he did with a soul, that was leading the dark side? No, in fact it made him get closer and in more danger. If it wasn't for his Lily he would have stayed on the dark side and happily died in the end he was sure.

Except, that's why he was at the Hog's Head drowning his sorrows. He had heard during his check in with the Order of the Phoenix that she had actually married that scum Potter. He knew he had made a mistake in the past, but Potter was just one giant mistake on wizard kind. If all this wasn't stressful enough he was about to take his wizarding boards to become a fully licensed Potions Master. Well, at least he would finally take over for Slughorn and quit being reduced to an errand boy.

Sitting at the bar nursing his fifth...or was it sixth glass of Fire Whiskey, things had started to get blurry. When a beautiful witch sat beside him at the bar all he really saw was red hair. Both were a little too drunk to be making decisions, but at the time going back to Severus' flat sounded like a great idea.

All Severus could remember of that night was waking up the next day with his sheets smelling of perfume. It was at his next check-in with the Order that he would receive news that would change his life forever. Walking into the building currently hiding the Order of the Phoenix and it's high profile members, he felt a weird aura in the air. He was slightly shocked when Marlene McKinnon asked to speak to him in private, none of the member ever chose to be around him.

Marlene and her family had recently been moved to a safe house do to a comment that Snape had overheard from the inner circle about whipping the entire line. They had been very vocal in their fight against The Dark Lord, a stupid decision in his opinion but it wasn't like he was in any position to speak. She ushered him into a nearby empty room, then proceeded to just pace for the next few minutes.

Finally, Severus couldn't stand it anymore, "What is it that you want, McKinnon?" He asked slightly rude. Just the thought of having to be in the room with Potter and Black had already put him in a bad mood. After what seemed to be gathering up courage Marlene stopped pacing and looked Severus in the eye.

"I'm pregnant." Severus was silent for a moment. "Well, that's unfortunate in the current climate, but I fail to see why you are telling me this?" Marlene looked a bit sad, and Sev for the life of him couldn't figure out why. Then Sev caught the smell of a familiar scent, a frighteningly familiar scent. The scent that had been lingering on his sheet the night after Lily's wedding.

If possible Snape turned even paler than he already was. "Did you go to St. Mungo's?" He whispered. She slowly nodded causing him to close his eyes in defeat. "I have to ask...is there any chance..." she wasn't offended and answered honestly, "No, Severus there's been no one but you." She continued, "I wasn't even supposed to leave the estate, but I just wanted a moment alone and a drink. I guess one turned into too many and the next thing I remember was waking up next to you."

For once Severus was speechless. So many thoughts running through his head each coming and going before he could process them. Before he got too upset or attached, he wasn't sure what h was feeling he needed to ask about a choice many witches had chosen in light of a civil war. "Are you going to have it? I could make the potion for you if you want. I understand that not only having a child now might not be what you want now, especially my child." He said looking at the ground.

Marlene took in the man standing in front of her. The man all the others had told her to stay away from, the dark wizard gone rogue. All she saw in that moment was a vulnerable, lonely young man with way too much weight on his shoulders. "Well, McKinnon's have never been known to back down from a challenge, and what better father could my child have to keep her safe in this war."

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