Battle of the Pelennor Fields

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Serena's POV

We arrive at the port and I wake from my nap. Feeling stronger then before. I ate the food and drank the water in front of me. Before going to stand with the ghosts waiting for our signal to attack. "Late, as usual! Pirate scum! There's work that needs doing" I hear an orc say with my wolf hearing. "Come on, ya sea rats! Get out off your ships!" the same orc shouts.

I watch Ada, Gimli and Legolas jump over the railing. And onto the shore. "There are plenty for both of us! May the best dwarf win!" I hear Gimli say. I let out a wolf smile, I am so going to win again.

The ghost army and I get off the ship. We charge the orcs with the other three. Me using my teeth and claws to ripe them apart as I don't have enough power to transform. As we continue towards the fields I continue to count my kills. I hear Gimli and Legolas doing the same thing.

When we reach the fields I freeze at the sight of the armed oliphants. But I continue when the others join the fight the ghosts swarming over the enemy. "Fifteen, sixteen, seventeen" Legolas counts as he releases each arrow.

"Twenty three" I announce.

"Twenty nine!" Gimli shouts.

"Legolas!" Aragorn shouts and he looks up at an Oliphant. I watch Legolas leap on it, and climbs towards the the top, shooting off the enemies as he goes.

"Thirty three, thirty four" I hear him counting as Gimli appears beside me. We watch Legolas cut the saddle rope in half. The platform slides off the Oliphant as Legolas used it to reach it's back. He walks to the head of the creature and shoots three arrows into its skull. As the slain beast falls, Legolas gracefully slides off its trunk. He lands softly on the ground, with a smirk, right in front of Gimli and I.

"It still only counts as one!" Gimli exclaims before returning to the fight.

"You ok Serena?" Legolas asks me concerned as I pant.

"Fine" I assure him with a smile. Just then I see the ghosts swarm the city. "The fight is nearly over anyway" I add. He nods his head and he rejoins the fight. I felt like I was being watched.

So I looked up at a hill over looking the battle field. To see a lone dark feline figure watching the battle. I growl lowly glaring at it. Knowing it was the Jinn of Sauron. My brown amber eyes lock with it's ice blue ones. Before it turned around and left.

I know I'd have to face it soon. But right now we must free Gondor. I rejoin the fight helping kill the last orc stragglers. Afterwards I join Ada, Gimli and Legolas with the ghost army. "Release us" the ghost king tells Ada.

"Bad idea, very handy in a tight spot, these lads, despite the fact they're dead" Gimli states.

"You gave us your word" the king reminds my father.

"I hold your oath fulfilled. Go, be at peace" Ada tells them and I smile. The dead army dissipates into the wind. "We must find survivors and heal them" he states. We split up to look for wounded survivors.

I come across Eowyn holding a dead Theoden. I notice her blackening arm. "We must get you to Ada" I tell her. "Where's Merry?" I ask.

"I don't know" she says tearfully. Eomer appears and takes her while I start my search for Merry. I soon pick his trail and I smell Pippin with him. I reach them as Pippin wraps Merry in a cloak.

"Get him on my back and hop on" I tell him. I lay down beside Merry's unconscious body. Pippin puts him onto my back and then hops on behind him. Making sure he won't fall off. I stand up and run towards the city.

Once inside the walls I follow the crowd of wounded to the house of healing. Pippin places Merry on a spare bed and stays beside him. Legolas appears and leads me to the fellowships room. "Here eat and drink" he says placing two bowls in front of me.

"Thank you" I say and eat happily. Before drinking half the water from the water bowl. I then lay on a pile of furs and he covers me in a blanket. "Can you stay until I fall asleep?" I ask him tiredly.

"Of course I will" he says kneeling down beside me.

"Legolas I have to tell you something" I tell him.

"You can tell me anything" he tells me as he pats my neck gently.

"Sauron has a Jinn and I will face it in the last battle. I'll need your help to defeat it or I'll die" I explain.

"Of course I'll help, what must I do?" he asks me.

"Just love me like you say you do, you'll know what to do when the time comes" I assure him. "If all goes well, I will turn into an elleth after the final battle. Be sure to have a cover for me" I tell him.

"Of course, now sleep. You'll need your strength tomorrow" he tells me. I close my eyes sighing gently as he continues to pat me. I soon fall asleep.


Picture above of the battle and gif on the external link of Legolas taking down an Oliphant. You'll see a picture of the Jinn in the next chapter. Along with a picture of Serena's elleth form.

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