Mines of Moria

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Serena's POV

We soon reached a lake that was outside the entrance to the mines. Pippin and Merry have gotten off my back some time ago. So now walk with Ada and the pony Bill. "The walls of Moria" Gimli announces. "Dwarf doors are invisible when closed" he adds.

"Yes, Gimli, their own masters cannot find them, if their secrets are forgotten" Gandalf explains.

"Why doesn't that surprise me?" Legolas asks mumbling. I walk over to the wall examining it ignoring the splash of water when Frodo accidentally steps in it. I smell the wall and look up to the sky before looking at Gandalf.

'Ithildin' I state for all to hear.

"It mirrors only starlight... and moonlight" Gandalf tells the others before looking to the sky as well.

'It reads "The Doors of Durin — Lord of Moria. Speak, friend, and enter"'I translated in everyones heads.

"What does that mean?" Pippin asks.

"Oh, it's quite simple. If you are a friend, you speak the password, and the doors will open" Gandalf explains. I roll my eyes and lay down to get some rest as Ada untucked Bill with Sam. Eventually I got bored waiting for Gandalf to figure it out and enter Frodo's mind.

'Don't react, it is a riddle' I tell him and he stands up smiling.

"It's a riddle" he tells the others and I stand up ready to leave this dreadful lake. "Speak 'friend' and enter. What's the Elvish word for friend?" he asks.

"Mellon" Gandalf says and the door finally opens. Frodo sent me a thankful smile and I winked at him. Before entering the mine to hear Gimli say something about ripe meat off the bone and this being a mine.

"This is no mine, it's a tomb" Boromir announces and I look down seeing the bones. I growl as Legolas pulls out an arrow from a skeleton. He said it was goblins before I heard the hobbits cries for help. I shot out of the mine and bite down hard on the tentacle wrapped around Frodo's ankle. It let go of him and I let go it.

'Everyone into the mine now!' I shout in their heads as I block the creatures way. They all get behind me into the mine, except for Legolas. Who stands beside me shooting arrows at the creature. I summon my power and shot a bolt of lighting at the creature as the rocks begin to fall. I turn and ram into Legolas pushing out of the way of the falling rocks into the mine with the others.

"Quick thinking Serena" Gandalf praises me and I stand shaking my fur. "We now have but one choice" he tells us. "We must face the long dark of Moria. Be on your guard. There are older and fouler things than Orcs, in the deep places of the world.  Quietly now. It's a four-day journey to the other side. Let us hope that our presence may go unnoticed" he states.

"Thank you for saving me Serena" Frodo says hugging me around my neck.

"Thanks for saving me as well" Legolas states smiling.

'Anytime, just don't make it a habit' I tell them smiling. We follow the others through the mine, Ada helping me with the steep stairs. Until we reached an intersection and Gandalf did not know which way to go. I smell each passage before stopping in front of one calling Gandalf over. 'It's this way, the air smells less fowl' I tell him and he tells the others.

"He's remembered" Merry cheers.

"No, but the air doesn't smell so foul down here. If in doubt, Meriadoc, always follow your nose" he explains smiling at me. When we reached the Dwarf city of Dwarrowdelfand Gimli runs off into an other chamber. We all follow him and Gandalf picks up a book & starts to read it to us. Until Pippin knocked a suit of armor down a well making loud bangs as I cover my ears.

When the ringing stopped I heard Boromir say something about a cave troll and say Frodo's sword glowing blue. I get in front of the hobbits growling as the orcs appeared with a cave troll. I go straight for an orcs throat killing it instantly before going to protect Merry and Pippin.

I hid behind a pillar with Frodo, Merry and Pippin. 'Stay close little ones' I tell Frodo, Merry and Pippin. However, somehow Frodo got separated from us and the troll notices him. 'Stay here' I tell the other two and jump onto the trolls back clawing at it's head. It throws me off and I hit a wall hard blacking out.

No one's POV

The troll knocks Aragorn out as he to tried to protect Frodo. When the troll turned back to Frodo, he stabbed him with the spear Aragorn had used on him. Merry and Pippin jump onto its back stabbing it with their swords. Legolas then shots an arrow into the back of the trolls throat through it's opened mouth, killing it.

After they found out Frodo was still alive thanks to the Mithril shirt Bilbo had given him back in Rivendell. Aragorn picked up the unconscious Serena before following the others to the Bridge of Khazad-dûm. However, when they reached a corridor of pillars they were surrounded by orcs.

Suddenly a fiery light appears at the end of a hall followed by a thunderous rumble. The Orcs flee in all directions.Gandalf then continues to lead the others to the bridge when they reach a broken staircase. Legolas saves Boromir stopping him from falling over the edge. "Protect Serena" Aragorn tells Legolas handing her to him and he jumps across the gap.

Once everyone was over the gap safely they ran to the bridge with Legolas still holding an unconscious Serena. The company watches as Gandalf tries to hold off a demon from the ancient world, a Balrog. But after it fell it's whip wrapped around Gandalf's ankle pulling him down. "Gandalf!"Frodo shouts as Gandalf cling to the edge looking at the company.

"Fly, you fools!" Gandalf yells at them before letting go of the ledge. Boromir carries a screaming Frodo as the company leaves the mines at last. The company all cry moaning the lost of Gandalf as Aragorn stays strong.

'What happened? Why are you all so sad?' Serena asks them groggily as she wakes up. Legolas puts her down gently and she looks around the company. As Aragorn tells Legolas to get the others up, saying they had to get to Lothlorien before night fall. 'Where's Gandalf?" she asks.

"He fell Serena" Legolas tells her gently and she lets out a moaning howl. "Come on we have to move on, Gandalf would want that" Legolas tells her. Serena nods her head and goes over to Aragorn sticking close to him as they head to Lothlorien.


Gif above of the walls of Moria.

Spirit Wolf: LOTROn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara