✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

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Monday, 6:20AM,

The sunshine came through my curtains and the sun beamed in my eyes i quickly threw my blanket over my head trying to get a couple more minutes of sleep, but that was quickly ruined as my mom walked into my room and pulled the blanket off my head, "come downstairs after you take a shower im making breakfast"

i groaned and got up and walked to the bathroom to take my shower, i couldnt sleep well the night before so im very tired ill grab a coffee before school.

After getting dressed i went downstairs to eat my breakfast, my dad had already went to work so it was just me and my mom eating we talked about random things until we finished eating, i went outside it was chilly so i ran back inside to grab a sweater "see you later vie!" my mom yelled from the kitchen "bye mom!" i yelled back as i went to the garage to grab my bike.

i always rode a bike to school since i was in 3rd grade the fresh air always wakes me up, i stopped by my favorite coffee shop that is only a couple blocks from school, "ill get a caramel macchiato" the barista smiled at me and asked for my card, i passed it to her and she swiped it and handed it back, i sat down and waited until they called my order i grabbed my drink and then i rode to school.

i made it to my first class on time, i was reading a book and then i felt somebody tap my shoulder "i guess we are desk partners" she sounded cheerful i looked up at her and smiled "hi, im violet" she sat down beside me and introduced herself "hi, im Rose were both named after flowers" she giggled shes so bubbly i could see myself being friends with her, we talked the rest of class im surprised we didnt get yelled at.

Me and Rose sat with eachother at lunch she pulled out her packed lunch and she only had 1 rice cakes and a small salad, "is that all youre going to eat?" she shrugged "i dont really eat that much for lunch" she smiled at me "dont worry i eat like a pig when i get home"

It was last period we were already ready to leave this prison at this point me and Rose got lucky we have basically every class together the bell rang and everyone got up and my teacher glared at us and told us to sit back down "you have a essay due in two days about the most recent book youve read it doesnt have to be that long 4-6 paragraphs is all i ask" everyone groaned and then she dismissed us, i walked to my locker and grabbed my backpack and Rose came up to me "do you live near here?" i nodded "yeah sorta it takes me 15-20 minutes to get here on my bike" she smiled "we might live close to eachother, can we walk together and then split up when we get close to our houses?" i smiled "sounds good"

turns out we only lived a block from eachother crazy right? i finished up my homework and essay, my mom would be home in 20-30 minutes so i went downstairs to make myself some supper i stored the extras in the fridge for my mom for when she gets home after i got done eating i left her a note telling her about the leftovers, im sooo tired from today as soon as i got into bed i went straight to bed.

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