chapter 10

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sorry this is so short guys, promise ( to those that even read this) that i will update soon xx

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Jamies pov

I decided in the end to give up my mad dash for the door and to go to the gym instead, the cove could wait because tomorrow being Wednesday meant that school would start an hour late, enough time to go for a good swim.

So I headed to the gym, bumping into Andrew on the way.

“ hey dude.” He said as I drew closer , noticing he too was heading towards the gym.

“hey man, what you up to?” I asked

“ well I have water polo in two hours so I was just going to get some practice shots, don’t want coach to be mad that I have not been practicing enough, he is really strict about that.” He said

“wait!” I yelled

Andrew jumped about a foot in the air then dropped to the ground ducking “ man what you doing?” I asked

“ sorry you gave me a fright.” he said “but aside from the near heart attack what?”

“ so you know what water polo is?” I asked, looking at Andrews face it seemed as if I had asked if icecream was real.

“ you don’t know what water polo is?”  he asked bemused.

“nope not a clue, we didn’t have it at my old school.” I said, “ so will you please explain what it is, coach told me to join the practice and I have not the foggiest clue to what it is”

“ Jamie” he said looking deadly serious.” You need to be educated in the way of serious fun”

we went to the change room and got into our swim stuff, then Andrew showed me the rules of the game and all the positions and what hey were for , after my crash course we had an hour and a half in which to apply all that he had just showed me in the pool.

Basically I learnt that water polo is a game played in the water “well duh” it is like rugby but in the water, there are 7 a side an the objective is to pass a soccer ball sized ball into the goals that float on the two ends of the pool. It is a rather vicious game but apparently any thing under the water is fair play.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2012 ⏰

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