11. The return to makapu

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Warning: slight cussing and hurtful emotional content.

Sokka pov

It wasn't hard for aang and I to find bato, we sat down and explained everything that happened and started to make a plan. After several hours we had a pretty good plan going, we decided to put it into action the next morning but for the moment we all needed some sleep. Don't worry Katara I'm coming for you.

Katara pov

it's so warm, the sun feels so nice, it feels like a fire. I can't remember a time when I was this warm, I love it. It's nothing like the water tribe, The frozen tundra. I stared the ocean as I sat on the beach, The waves rushing in and washing sea shells into the sand. I never felt so content, so peaceful, so happy in my entire life. I watched the dolphinsharks  jumping into the sky trying to catch seacrows when I felt strong hands on my shoulders. I turned around and came face-to-face with the blue spirit, he sat down on the beach next to me and turned his face toward mine. "I missed you katara, I looked every day for you, I love you." I blushed and replied, "I love you too blue." He shook his head "My name isn't blue." I looked at him puzzled as he reached for his mask. He pulled it off and I saw the one face I didn't want to see. Zuko.

I jumped awake and sat up quickly looking around, I noticed my surroundings. I was in bed with zuko, he was facing away from me sleeping soundly, the light coming from the window was faint. It must have been early so I shook my head and laid back down. That was just a dream, thank tui and la, there's no way blue is Zuko. It's just a silly dream!
I turned over and went back to sleep.

Zuko pov

My eyes fluttered open due to the sun's rays shining through the window, I blinked a few times to adjust my eyes to my surroundings. Then I noticed I felt something heavy laying on top of me, I looked down and nearly fainted. Katara was laying on my chest her peaceful face looked beautiful and her long flowing hair fanned out across my arm. She had one arm wrapped around my torso and her leg thrown over my waist. My heart sped up and threatened to come out of my chest. If she had any idea of the compromising position she was in right now she would come unglued.

Meanwhile my armored soldier was raising his weapon. My face was burning and I was very uncomfortable with my situation. However I also was ashamed to say that I was overjoyed having her on top of me. I didn't want to move.

what am I supposed to do? Do I wake her and risk her going ballistic? Or do I try to move her? I don't think it's possible for me to go back to sleep especially with my bathroom situation.

I couldn't stop myself from feeling aroused, katara let out a soft moan in her sleep, it was so sweet and sexy at the same time.
She's probably just dreaming stop thinking dirty! Nevertheless my armored soldier decided to make camp and pitch his tent.

If I wake her up now she will surely notice my issue.. there has to be a way out of this!

Suddenly I felt her starting to wake up, oh Agni not now! What do I do?!?!?! Play sleep? Might be the only option...

Katara pov

I feel so warm, like I'm in front of the fire at gran grans igloo. Wait gran gran? Aren't I with aang? My mind started to focus, I felt something under me, and it's breathing? My eyes slowly opened and I gasped realizing where I was, I was wrapped around a sleeping zuko!!! My body shot up in bed and looked down at the teen boy I was practically snuggling. He was still asleep thank tui and la!
A scooted back on to my side of the bed and pulled my knees to my chest, if he knew I was cuddling him he would kill me! I can't tell him! I stood up and went to the bathroom door, locked. On no... he locked it back. I need to pee but where? He is right there in front of me!

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