4. The plan takes effect

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Zuko POV

As I walked through town my thoughts were chaotic, and visions of katara swirled in my head. I couldn't stop thinking about everything that happened at the fortune teller, I'm getting too eager for my fortune to come true. I know I have to stay calm and take things slow or it won't turn out right but I don't want to wait.

I'm not even sure she will be happy with me, what if she wants someone else but stays with me just because we got married? or had kids? I have to find out if she likes someone or I'll go crazy! I decided to stop at a restaurant to get dinner instead of cooking, I'll just use the food I bought tomorrow. After I finished eating I headed back to the hotel to meet my uncle, but he was asleep snoring so loud he shook the room, So I drew a bath to help me relax. I sunk into the wooden tub and laid my head back, The water felt so good, even though I stay on the ocean for so long I don't get to bathe much so it's a nice feeling.

More importantly, I need to figure out our next step, I can't let everybody know that I am happy. I have to keep acting like I always do, or else they will get suspicious. I glanced over to the glass window and stared at my reflection, I need to practice what I will say to them.

I spent an hour talking to my reflection trying to sound natural until the water got so cold I started shivering. I got out and Dried off, got dressed, and went to bed.

Iroh Pov

I woke up early just as the sun peeked above the horizon, I looked over at my nephew sleeping soundly with a big smile on his face. I stared at him in shock, he never smiles like that, it was a beautiful sight. His night must have gone well, I've been watching him for months and he seems interested in a young lady who is friends with the avatar. I've walked into his room at night to check on him but found him talking in his sleep. he mentions her often and gets a funny look on his face when someone mentions her or her group. I just know he has feelings he is trying so hard to hide.

I got up and made tea and breakfast and was about to wake him when I heard him sleep-talking, I listened carefully and waited, almost as if he was trying to reveal his secrets he began talking again. "Katara please, don't hate me, I know I'm ugly but I love you." He mumbled, but I heard him clearly. Her name is Katara huh? I knew that Zuko felt bad about his scar but I never thought he would be worried about a girl hating him because of it. I believe the true pain of the scar is mental, not physical. In fact, I have no doubt, but how can I help? While I pondered ways to help him I cleaned the hotel a bit, I decided to let him wake up on his own.

Narrator POV

Meanwhile, in the woods outside of the village, Team Avatar is waking up. Aang is making Katara a necklace out of fishing wire, Sokka is being taunted by a fish, and Katara is about to try on her necklace.

Soon they notice a man being attacked by a platypus bear and they run to help out, they learn about Aunt Wu and decide to visit her. They pack up camp and head for town.

Zuko POV

The smell of boar-q-pine bacon and opossum chicken eggs woke me. Uncle was making breakfast the way only he can, half burnt. I sat up and looked around, the hotel looked clean and organized, he had been cleaning. I always find it funny that he tries to be like a housewife, he's trying to replace my mom, and he worries so much about me.

I yawned and stood up, "Good morning uncle." I walked to the sink to wash my face. He turned around smiling from ear to ear, "You always wake up right on time for breakfast." He chuckled.

"Yea, how can I not when I smell it burning? If I don't wake up it will be burnt to ashes." He laughed harder, "My cooking isn't that bad! Not yet anyway!" I chuckled and patted him on the shoulder, "You need to find a woman who knows how to cook uncle."

Behind those crystal blue eyes...(zutara love story)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ