6. The volcano and the return to sea

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Author note: this chapter will have less description due to the fact it's almost the same as the tv episode. There might be a short time skip.

Katara Pov

I cried myself to sleep last night, I couldn't stop thinking about how I might never see him again, what if I just messed up my future? even if I do see him again it could be a long long time, and that broke my heart into million pieces. I accidentally woke Aang and my brother up once, they asked why I was crying but I told them it was just a bad dream and to go back to sleep.

It was around eight in the morning when I finally got up, I made breakfast and fed the boys, washed the dishes, and cleaned up our campsite. Just like every other morning, it was routine and boring but it had to be done and it was not like anyone else was going to do it.

I went to the market to buy us some food for the journey while Aang and Sokka went on some ridiculous trip, something about a volcano and a panda. I really wasn't paying attention to what they were saying, once the shopping was done I decided to go see Aunt Wu again before we leave. I needed to know more about the Man I was going to marry, there had to be some way to help things go smoother and faster. However, when I got there she wouldn't let me in! Right as I was about to try asking her again Aang came up to me. "Hi, Katara."

"Can you believe she won't let me in, and after all the business I've given her?" I let out my frustration, "But she doesn't even charge." I shrugged, " I know, but still."

Zuko Pov

I stood hidden among the crowd as they give the villagers directions on how to stop the lava, I grab uncle and we head to the edge of town hidden from view of the townspeople.

When the lava starts coming down the hill we try to use our fire bending to control the lava so that it stays in the trench. It worked and Aang stopped the stray bits of lava that escaped and everyone was safe, I heard Sokka talking to katara about how powerful Aang is but She seemed confused.

After everything that happened it had gotten so late at night, I overheard Katara saying that they were leaving the next morning. I guess the avatar is too distracted trying to impress katara that he won't return to visit aunt wu. So much for finding out more information. I thought about katara again and how much I missed her already. Part of me wanted to dress up as the blue spirit once more and meet her again tonight like I did last night. I argued with myself for an hour, but I decided that it would just make it harder for both of us. So I bit my tongue and stayed in bed remembering last night and imagining what would have happened tonight. It took a while but I finally fell asleep.

Katara Pov

I waited at the river for hours singing and water bending hoping blue would hear me and come to see me but when it neared midnight I gave up and went back to our room. It was stupid of me to think he would come back tonight.

I went to sleep dreading tomorrow.

When we woke up we packed up, loaded Appa, and went into town to say our goodbyes. We explained to Aunt Wu that we didn't know where we were going but that we would keep heading north until we reached another town.

Aang returned her cloud book and we got on Appa waving goodbye and soared into the air once again.


I convinced my uncle to leave before daybreak and we headed back to the ship, I felt bad about leaving but it just hurt too much. As we walked back uncle spoke, "Prince Zuko are you alright? You have been acting strange the past few days." Damn he noticed. "I'm fine uncle, I'm just ready to capture the avatar already I want to go home.

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