2. Iroh learns the truth

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Iroh POV

So far so good, no one seems to know we are fire nation. As we stroll through the village I can see the townspeople glance at Zuko's scar but none seem to connect the pieces. However he looks nervous, he still has much growing up to do. He has forgotten how to act normal, three years in exile has also scarred him emotionally.

Zuko has been looking different lately, ever since our run-in with the pirates. He won't eat enough, his sleep is disturbed, and he always seems to be spaced out. He is acting like... like I did when I met my first love... could he be? No, I haven't seen him with anyone, I must figure this out.

"Nephew, I need a cup of tea so I'm going to be at the village fortune teller. I heard she serves refreshments, while I'm there I'll put our plan in motion. Why don't you set us up a place to stay and buy some food?" Zuko looked distracted but nodded his head, "Be careful uncle."

As I watched him walk away I smiled, that should help him loosen up. I walked around until I saw the place I was looking for, I walked to the door and a man said "Aunt wu is expecting you.". He held the door for me and I nodded and stepped inside. It was beautiful, but before I could notice any details a woman stepped in and took my hand in hers. "Hello General Iroh, I was hoping one day you would come to see me. "How do you know my name?"

"Your son Lu Ten came to see me years ago with a girl, he spoke many things of you. You see he was in love with a young earth-bender girl, he said that his family would never approve of such a relationship. He needed advice, and I gave it to him. Come, let's talk in private." As a tear ran down my face I followed her.

"Lu ten told me if you ever showed up here to tell you the truth So I will. The earth Bender's name was Chikyu, they met while he was laying siege to the lower ring of Ba Sing Se. She was an orphan girl who grew up alone and took care of the other orphans in the area, she was 19 when they met. He took her and fled. They headed straight for me, her mother had told her stories about me before she died. They told me they wished to elope and marry in the Earth Kingdom, I told them that it was not meant to be because I foretold death. They didn't want to believe it and decided to do so anyway. However, before they could the worst fear imaginable happened. Unbeknownst to them the commanding officer of his Battalion saw them leave together and followed them. When they went to bed for the night at our inn the commander arrived in our town. The following morning he found them eating breakfast and he tried to kill the girl, but Lu Ten defended her. She escaped, but he was killed for treason. The true story never got out, months later

Chikyu returned to me with their child from that night. It was a boy, she named him after his father and she had their picture painted to give you as a gift of apology." My face was beyond recognition as I wept, she stood and brought me the picture. I looked down at the beautiful woman and my grandson. He looked just like his father.

She made me some tea and waited for my tears to stop. She was a patient woman, and eventually, I could cry no more. She smiled sadly, "Where are they?" I asked, she shook her head. "I haven't seen them since, I'm sorry." I nodded, "I have to find them." She shut her eyes, "In the meantime, how about we tell your fortune?"

"In my life, there is only one surprise left, I'd rather not know when I die." She smiled and chuckled. "What if I told you that you're not going to die?" I looked up shocked, "what do you mean? Everything dies." She winked, "not in this case." I raised my eyebrows, "ok I'm intrigued, tell me."

She held my hand reading my palms, "You will help end the war by giving advice and steering young people in the right direction, they will come to see you for help, but you must let them figure it out on their own. Guide them, and all will work out, within the next 10 years you will find a way to live in the spirit world instead of dying. This decision is vital because the next avatar will need your help in the spirit world."

When the reading was done, I started our plan. She poured me another cup of tea and asked, "I have a feeling there is more you need from me." I nodded, "You're a smart woman, I need a favor if your willing to help me." She waited and listened. " I am here for almost the same reason as my son, I need help with someone in my family who is very dear to me. My nephew is lost, not physically but emotionally." She smiled, "Are we talking about our banished prince?"

This woman is amazing she knows everything, I thought she was a fake, This world is full of mysteries. "Yes prince Zuko, he is a good boy he is different. People think he is evil but he is just misunderstood, I assure you." She understood, " Please continue."

"My nephew is like a son to me, I love him dearly. He is just a boy, he has much to learn, just like most adults. He just wants his life back, but I'm trying to make him understand that things will never be the same again. He needs to make a life outside of Searching for the avatar because we need the avatar to save the world. He doesn't understand this yet, but he will soon. I have a feeling he has a crush on a girl, it only makes sense for it to be her. I can't think of anyone else it could be, I truly hope he loves this young lady, and I pray that she can return those feelings one day. He thinks we are in this village to capture the avatar but I have other plans. I want to see for sure what those feelings for her are, I hope to lure the avatar here because the girl is traveling with him. Zuko thinks we plan to spy on them to find out what their travel plans are so that we can capture them later. However, my true goal is to try and convince him to stop hunting the avatar. I want this pointless war to end as soon as possible, I think everyone does."

She kept a straight face while I spoke, "I see, so how can I help end the war?" She asked with a smile. "It may seem like a simple task, but the avatar and his friends are in the woods outside of town. We do not know if they are headed here or not but we want to ensure they do. We would like you to send someone to run into them discreetly and tell them about you and the village and try to convince them to come by to see you. Then when they arrive let us hide in the building and listen while you tell their fortunes. If we don't get the information we need try to help us get the information before they leave. Also, help me try to get them together without them realizing what we are doing. I think if you tell the girl and my nephew about love in their fortunes it might help ease things along. Although I don't want you to lie to them, only tell them what you actually believe is true. We also can't let anyone find out we're here let alone part of the fire nation." She thought about it and then agreed, "Alright I will send my nephew by later tonight for his fortune." She took my hand, " Fine by me, now how about dinner handsome?"

Zuko POV

Uncle's acting strange, well more strange than usual anyway. He seems like he's hiding something, but I don't know what it could be I'm sure it's just my imagination. I made my way through town and tried not to look anyone in the eyes. The first place I went was to the local inn. I reserved a room for two nights, I can always add on more nights later if I need to. Next, I stopped at the market and got some meat fruit, and bread for dinner, and then I found some eggs for breakfast. No one seemed to be paying much attention to who I might be, I'm surprised no one recognized my scar. Of course, this is an earth kingdom town so they may not have heard of me.

I took our supplies back to our room and threw myself onto the bed. I've never felt anything more comfortable, either that or it's been far too long since I was home. The last thing I saw before I fell asleep was Katara's face.

I woke up from a dreamless sleep feeling refreshed and comfortable. Uncle hadn't returned so I left to look for him, as soon as I stepped out into the street he walked up to me with a huge grin on his face. "Zuko! There you are!" I frowned, " What do you mean 'there you are' the better question is where were you?" He laughed, "I was on a dinner date, I'm sorry I'm late."

"You're telling me I went and bought us dinner and waited on you all afternoon for you to go on a date when I could have already eaten?" He placed a hand on my shoulder and looked at me with puppy dog eyes, "I'm sorry Zuko, I'm old and forgetful. Can you forgive me?" I groaned and nodded. "Are you going to come to the inn now?" He looked confused, "Is that where you've been all this time? Why haven't you explored the village? There is much to see in so little time, why don't you go out and enjoy yourself tonight? Perhaps get your fortune told?" I sighed,  'Uncle I don't want my fortune told, it's stupid."

"Why not? You never know what the future holds, you should give it a try. Who knows she may see something in your future pertaining to the avatar, it may give you a clue or a hint on where to capture him or how." That's a good point, I hate when he's right. "Fine but just for clues. Where is the place?" Uncle pointed me in the direction of the fortuneteller and I headed that way. " I'll see you back at the inn."

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