Clock work

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Amber noticed that the nurses came to check in on her 6 times a day:
1. Breakfast
2.medication (that she hid in her upper lip)
4. Talk
5. Medication

Her nurse was on his 6th check in. There was a shift change from the guy with the black hair to a red headed guy. He was friendly and Amber enjoyed his company.
"Good evening Amber," He said politely placing her tray on the desk. Amber got up slowly to portray that she was still drowsy from the medication.
"Goodevening," She slurred together and put on a dopey smile. The nurse nodded his head and pulled out a seat.
"I've seen some of your work," he said. This made Amber perk up. She put up her hands to mimic taking a picture, he nodded.
"Wow, What do you think?" She asked. He scratched his beard and shrugged.
"I loved the one you captured of the kids shoe on the side of the road. I think it was raining at the time," he said. She remembered which one it was exactly. That day she was worried that Dennis and her had hit a rough patch in their relationship. He hadn't texted her nor stopped by her apartment. That day she felt as though she had lost her innocence like the child who had lost their shoe. Dennis wasn't her first but he certainly the first that she wanted to share herself with. Amber shook the thought away and the feeling.
"What I don't understand is that the other 3 have different things in their room to tame them. You have nothing in here," he said. It pulled her out of her day dream and she smiled.
"I'm not sure why I am here in the first place," she admitted. The nurses' face darkened and then he smiled.
"You'll be out soon, I'm sure they just have a case of mistaken identity." That was the last thing he said before walking out. Outside the door she saw other nurses standing outside her door. There were a total of two cameras outside her room facing her door.
She walked over to her tray and began eating. It didn't taste bad but it wasn't her moms dinner. Amber bit her lip and felt the tears well up. Would she ever see her mom again? She put her hand over her face to stop her loud sobs but they came out sharp and piercing. They escaped under her door and out into the hallway. The other patients heard it and the nurses. Red head nurse hung his head in empathy. It didn't stop until the wee hours of the morning.

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