Home flashback

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"Didn't I tell you to get away from the stove!" 8 year old Amber jumped back and away from the stoves flames. Her mother, Mrs. Wellington, a beautiful woman with warm brown eyes, umber skin, and coal black hair marched into the kitchen. Amber was whisked up in one swoop, and dragged out of the kitchen by her arm.
"What's all this behavior about?" Her mother said finally sitting the both of them down on the couch. Amber squirmed over the plastic that stuck to the back of her legs. It was humid in their small row home. At the time they didn't have AC so, Mrs. Wellington cracked every window. That only made it feel worse in Amber's opinion. Her mother sighed and picked up a makeshift fan from the coffee table.
"What do you mean?" Amber asked. Her mother turned to her.
"Where'd...how did you hurt a teacher?" Amber hung her head and shook away her teachers shocked face. She didn't know.

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