Chapter 18

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I called one of my dad's many bodyguards to come and pick me up. When the Rolls Royce pulled up I hopped in quickly. I was surprised to see my dad in the front seat.

"Well done." He said and slowly clapped.

"I just knew you weren't ready for this. Thank you for failing me."

"I can fix this."

"Oh really."

"Yes.  I know I can she has a soft spot for me."

"If she has a soft spot for you why aren't you with her."

"The same reason she made me leave before she hurt me again." I said and he rolled his eyes.

"Don't tell me you have feelings for her?" He groaned and looked away.

"She's the enemy."

"And so are you." I retorted and crossed my arms looking out the window.

"Fix the attitude or your out." He said firmly and I sighed.

"Whatever." I looked out the window.


When I got to my father his minions started to doll me up the way he liked.

"You need to go to her and make up. I don't care how you do it just do it and make sure she comes to my ball the next day. Make sure you know where all her men are and what they look like. I will take care of all of them and finally her. In front of all the big men in this business so we can continue in peace." He explain and I just nodded.

I am mentally torn. I have to choose between my father who's my father and the women who I actually have feelings for. Yeah she's crazy as hell but she hads a soft spot for me. Maybe I can change her mind. At least about me.


I knocked on Nicki's room door and I heard her heels clicking to the door. She swung it open and crossed her arms.

"What do you want?" She asked plenty of attitude.

"We need to talk." I said simply and moved a piece of hair out my face.

"About." She said raising her eyebrows for me to continue.

"Nicki stop being so damn stubborn and let me the fuck in." I said loosing my patients and she moved aside dropping her arms.

I walked in and she closed the door. She walked to the couch and I sat down on it.

 She walked to the couch and I sat down on it

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"Nicki please just come here." I held my hand out to her and she rolled her eyes.

"I told you things nobody knew about me and the one thing I wanted was for you to be honest. You fucking lied. You lied the whole time. Did you even really like me? Or was that stunt in the plane fake too?" She asked and glared at me.

She looked sad and angry. I sighed and looked at the floor. My eyes glossed over her body from her toes to her head.

"Nicki I'm sorry. Yes I knew I lied but all the emotional and physical things that happened between us was genuine. My father only knows I blew my cover. He doesn't know about anything you told me. I promise you that. My father is a monster and I want you to win this vendetta that will happen tomorrow. I wanna be with you." I said and pulled her to me from the waist.

She looked down at me with a stright face but tears threatened to spill from her eyes.

"Nicki I think I love you." I said looking up at her in the eyes.

A tear fell from her eye and I wiped it away. She whipped out Camila and emptied out all the bullets but one. She looked at me as the tears fell from her face and pointed the gun at my temple.

"Beyonce if you lie to me again I will kill you and I won't hesitate this time." She said and cocked it.

"Nicki I promise you I'm not lying anymore you know everything now. The only thing I lied about was not knowing who you were." I pleaded and cried myself.

I stood up and she dragged the gun down my face and over the spot where my heart should be.

"Truse me please. I will kill my father myself." I said and her face went blank with furrowed eyebrows.

"Really?" She said and dropped the gun to her side.

"Yes. I'll do it for the both of us. He's a sick bastard and deserves whatever punishment you want to inflict on him. We can kill him together." I said and a smile krept on her face.

"Now your talking my language." She said and placed the gun down on the table.

She looked back at me and I pulled her closter to me by the waist. I slid one of my hands up her body to her jaw and inched her face closter to mine.

"Nicki give me one more change." I said as I ran my thumb over her bottom lip.

Her lip trimbled and I bit my lip.

"Please. You know I don't like to beg." I said flirtatiously and she rolled her eyes.

She grabbed my face in her hands and kissed me.

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