Chapter 11

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I woke up in the media room. I got up and streched. I walked to the room and it was empty I walked to the kitchen and the smell pancakes hit my nose.

"Mmm smells good." I said and Nicki looked up at me.

"Thank you." She smiled and handed me a plate.

I walked to the other side of the counter and hopped up on it. Nicki's eyes shot up at me and I shrugged. I eyed the fruit next to me.

"What I gotta clean it anyway." I said as she pressed her lips in a line and shrugged herself.

"That looks like a lot of pancakes for just the two of us." I reached over and grabbed a strawberry. I put a few on my pancakes.

"Can you reach me that?" I pointed to the whipped cream and she handed it over.

"It's not just for the two of us. Remember the two who bought you here?" She asked as I drizzled some on my pancakes then on the strawberry I had in my hand.

"Yes." I said as I bit the strawberry slowly; the juice dripped down my wrist.

"They are coming over." She said as she watched me a smile threatened at her lips as I licked the juice off my wrist to my fingertips.

Nicki strided over to me and stood in between my legs. I finished the strawberry as she wraped her arms around my waist. I raised my eyebrows at her and laughed taking my face in her hands. She glanced at my eyes before she leaned in to kiss me. I smiled getting into it and wrapped my legs around her waist.

There was a knock on the door and Nicki pulled away from me. I groaned and she laughed as she patted my legs.

"I'll be back." I threw my head back and tightened my grip around her.

She tilted her head at me and cocked her eyebrows. I sighed and let her go.

"You are something else." She said as ahe walked away.

I hopped of the counter and went to sit at the dining table. She cane back with the women and the man from before.

"Ay what she doing up here?" The man asked amd furrowed his eyebrows as he pointed at me.

"Right I thought she was the enemy." The women with the accent said as her green eyes shot daggers at me.

"She's okay." Nicki said as she shrugged.

That's it that's all I get is a she's okay. I rolled my eyes and kept eating.

"So your telling my you trust her? She only been here 6 days. Nic are you crazy. What's your intentions gal? I don't think this is how it works. Nicki she's playing you." The women said as she walked over and bossed up in front of me.

I glared at her and dropped my fork.

"That's what you think?" I said and stood up.

"Yeah. What you gon do about it?" She said and shoved me.

I picked up my plate and struck her over the head with it. I shattered and she grabbed me around the neck. She rushed me into the glass wall behind us. I started scratching at her hands and it didn't work. I started kicking her in the stomach straining to breath. She doubled back and I fell to the ground. I groaned and crawled over to her.

She got on top of me and attempted to punch me. I dodged a few of them moving my face out of the way. She screamed when her fist made contact woth the marble floors. She yanked her fist back again and I saw her gun poking out of her shirt. I swiped it and kicked her off of me again. I latched onto her neck and cocked the gun. Next thing I know my head hit the ground and I looked up to  Nicki. She was pinning my arms above my head breathing hard. I struggling to get her off of me.

"Beyonce calm down." She said calmly and I shook my head.

"No I want to kill that bitch. She thinks I'm faking when this inolved my life my freedom." I screamed and she caught my eye.

She grabbed my face and glared daggers at me.

"You not a killer. Don't act like your one." She said in a low voice.

I stopped struggling against her and sighed. She was right. I'm still no where over what happened yesterday between me and Jay. I started to feel my face get hot. Nicki got off of me and helped me up. I was too shooken up to check and see what that those two were doing.

"It's gonna be okay." She whispered in my ear and let me to her room.

I just cried scilently as she helped me lay down. She sat next to me and I laid my head on her sholder.

"Nicki I'm sorry." I covered my face and she sighed.

"It's okay. You stood your ground and you did it well. I just want you to remember you are not a killer. Okay. Don't get that stuck in your head." She said and removed my hands.

I nodded and sniffed. She held my hands and rubbed my palms with her thumb.

"I'm sorry I messed up your meeting."

"You didn't mess anything up." She said she glanced at me and wiped away my tears with her thumbs.

"Your coming to the meeting they are in the room right now." She slid off of the bed and walked over to the dresser.

She got out a tank top and some sweats.

"Put this on." She said and I hopped up.

I looked down and there was blood on my shirt. I felt my face and realized it wasn't mine. I rolled my eyes and took off my shirt. I slid on the clothes and went to the bathroom. I brushed some water on my face and pulled my hair back into a pont tail. I left the bathroom and Nicki was waiting on me. She opened her arms and I hugged her. She pulled back and put her hands on my neck. I put mine around her waist I felt Camila on the small of her back. She did that thing where she bit her cheeks again.

"You aren't trying to do anything stupid are you?" She asked and furrowed her eyebrows.

"No. Nicki distpite you kidnapping me I like you. So I don't wanna mess this up." I said simply she eyed me.

She smiled at me and I shook my head at her.

"Let's go." I said and she let me go.

She held my hand and walked me to the room. She let go and pushed the doors open enough so we can walk through.

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