Chapter 26

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"HE WANTS WHAT?" Terrence growled staring at Taraji's lawyer. He sighed pulling out the documents.

"This is a good deal Terrence, it means he's going in for sure on our part." He explained.

"Fuck that, let's just proceed to court!" Terrence spat growing increasingly hot.

"Terrence, their threatening to argue that she wanted to be taken. He had come into contact quite a few times before hand, yet no legal action was filed. They could rip us to shreds especially if he goes through with getting Sherman. He's never lost a case before. If you guys take this route he'll plead guilty to all charges. " He spoke trying to claw through the database around Taraji. Who had been sitting so quiet in her own thoughts. She looked down at the document with Quincy's signature.

"Okay.....I'll meet with him." She spoke up getting a fierce glare from Terrence.

"I want this over with, it says that if I meet him he has to plead guilty. That's it that's all." She spoke grabbing the pen to sign her name.

"Penda, can you handle that? We just started Theraphy, your mom just went back home. It's just me and you baby." He spoke trying not to pressure her.

"I can do it." She responded, she was over this. She wanted to put it behind her, so if facing the reincarnation of the devil was what she had to do then so be it.

"....Okay." He responded after staring at her serious face. He didn't like it, but it wasn't in him to demand her to go to trial. He needed to support her. She signed her nane dealing the deal. The next day she stood at the entrance of the jail. Terrence opening the door for her to enter. Taking a deep breath and trying to shake the fear mounting she stepped inside.

"So he's waiting in the visitation room. His hands are cuffed to the table. He can't touch you or attack you, there's an armed gaurd if any need. Though myself, his lawyer, and Terrence are not allowed in the room." Her lawyer explained, Terrence made a face. He didn't trust this.

"Okay..." She muttered softly. He held his tounge watching her enter the room, his nerves were bad. Taraji met the deep dark brown eyes in the room, her heart dropping. He looked rough, a growing beard...dark bags under his eyes.

"Come sit down." He spoke watching her intently. When she didn't move he pulled up his hands showing her his cuffs. Pulling on them to demonstrate. She slowly walked over taking a seat but scooting far back in her chair.

"You look good..." He commented looking at her, he sighed when she didn't respond.

"In not trucking you, I'm gonna plead guilty. I just wanted one last conversation with you, that's all." He explained, she gave him a short nod.

"I'm not gonna tell you I'm sorry doll. It would be a lie, I am sorry that I never kept a hold of you when we were younger. Maybe things would be different now." He spoke, her face darkened.

"You're sick..." She hissed, he shrugged.

"I'm whatever you picture me as. Don't sit here and act like we were never together." He responded calmly.

"Before, During, or After you forced yourself on me multiple times." She spat, he rolled his eyes.

"That was my game, don't sit here and deny tgat I taught you so much about your body. Where to touch, where to push, where to hold, where to hit. The same moves that probably still make you quiver." He spat back, she looked off to the side avoiding his eyes.

"See. We weren't all bad Taraji. We had out good, I hate how all you see is the bad right now. Yet I remember a time you used to smile at me when I brought you your ice cream, or when you found random flowers on your doorstep." He spoke seriously, wanting to turn back time.

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