Chapter 3

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Taraji yawned stepping out of her hotel room. Nova happily wagged her tail. She had a day at Doggie daycare to look forward to. A nice fur trimming and nail clipping was included. Taraji checked her watch. It was 10 in the morning which meant she had to be down in the dinning hall in 15 minutes.

She ran a hand through her hair and sighed stepping onto the elevator. Nova sat next to her. A chime alerted her of a text message. Right on time the workers from the doggie care place were here.

After getting Nova situated with the workers, she went torwards the place all the kids in the program were having breakfast. It diddnt take her long to spot her son. His hair a curly mess like he hadn't combed it. She shook her head walking up to him.

"Morning ma." Tony chirped. Taraji flashed him a smile. Sitting down at the table he sat at with a few friends she yawned.

"Morning baby. Why you diddnt you fix your hair?" She questioned running her hands through his curls. He shrugged taking a bite out of his toast. She sighed, then waved at the kids at the table. Grabbing a plate she helped herself to the breakfast buffet. She felt like today was gonna be a long day.


Steam poured out of the shower as Terrence stepped out. He tried his haur before wrapping the towel around his waist. Walking up to the mirror he sighed. He diddnt get much sleep last night. One woman refused to let him have a dream without her.

Let's say they weren't the cleanest dreams. Not clean at all. Dreams that left him in need of a cold shower. Just to his luck a cold shower diddnt cure his problem. For the fourth time since running into Taraji, he self pleasured. Under the cold spray of water all he could think about is what she looked like moaning for him instead of yelling at him.

He pushed his dreams into the back of his mind. Pulling out his shaving cream he applied it to his face. As he picked up his razor his phone rung. Looking down at it he saw a face time request from Nia. He sighed answering it. Angling the phone on the counter so it was standing up without his hands.

"Good morning." He spoke starting to shave his face.

"Good Morning." She replied.

"What were you doing last night?" She questioned. His hand froze the question catching him off gaurd. Last night's events rushing forth. He glanced down at her on the phone briefly before resuming his shaving.

"Out eating." He replied.

"Hmmm...By yourself?" She questioned.

" Yeah why?" He asked looking down at the phone confused at her questioning.

" I came across something on my phone waiting for you to call.....Who's the girl?" She asked a look of anger on her face. He grabbed a towel wiping the remnants of shaving cream off his face.

"What the hell are you talking about? It's to early for this Nia." He spat.

"I'm talking about the girl you were with last night. It's all over TMZ." She snapped. He grumbled under his breath picking up his phone. Walking into his hotel room he searched for his tablet.

"Is that why you kept ignoring my calls last night?" She continued. He picked up his tablet getting on TMZ's page. Sure enough several pictures of him and Taraji outside of the restaurant were posted. They were all pictures of them arguing. He sighed running his hand over his face.

"Who is she?" Nia questioned. Terrence sighed again. He thought about telling her, but they weren't nearly as close as they used to be.

"It's nothing Nia. " He spoke dismissing her question. She huffed.

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