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"I'LL DO IT BUT ONLY IF YOU agree to the terms," Farrah started as she pulled Sirius into an empty classroom.

Sirius' lips curved into a smirk, watching the girl as she poked her head outside to make sure no one had seen them come in. 

Good, he thought, She had considered it.

"Terms? You've been thinking about this a lot, haven't you?" Sirius taunted.

"I have," she answered, ignoring his jab. It was the truth. If she was going to do this, she had to do this carefully. Merlin knew what Regulus would do if he found out. Especially, right now when he already had so much going on. 

"Am I going to have to sign a contract? Make a blood pact? Perform the Unbreakable Vow?"

"You know what," Farrah said, "I should have known you were just acting the maggot. Forget about it, forget about this."

"Farrah, wait," Sirius said as the girl turned to walk away. He grabbed her by her hand and pulled her back towards him, "I'm serious."

"I know you are," she responded with a smile that quickly faded, "But I think you're taking this for a joke. It isn't the same for the two of us. I don't want to hurt Reggie's feelings and you don't care about that-"

"I wasn't aware that my brother had feelings."

"He'd say the same about you," Farrah said, "But he's my best friend and I won't do anything that I know will hurt him-"

"Now I'm confused. You started this saying that you'd do it but now you're saying you don't want to hurt your friend. You can't do them both."

"Would you stop interrupting me so I can explain?!"

Sirius opened his mouth to say something else but Farrah narrowed her eyes at him. The boy shut his mouth and gestured for her to continue speaking.

"Thank you. As I was saying before, I don't want to do anything that'll hurt him. I won't. But... if he doesn't know, it won't hurt him."

Sirius smirked, "Are you suggesting we run around in secret, MacMillan?"

Farrah struggled to swallow, as her throat and mouth were suddenly very dry. She nodded, "Just... just until I find a way to tell Reggie about it."

"And when will that be?"

"I don't know!" she exclaimed, adjusting the strap of her bag on her shoulder, "But no one finds out about this until I've told him."

"Not even my boys?"

"Especially not them," Farrah said, "I love them but James and Peter both suck at keeping secrets. Remus is okay at it but he's not good under pressure. The last thing I need is one of them squealing at Regulus because he stared at them for too long."

Sirius snorted, "Have you no faith in us?"

"No, not as much as I'd need to have. Do we have a deal?"

The Black smiled, extending his hand out for the girl to shake, "Yes, we do."

Farrah took his hand and shook it, a smile growing on her lips despite the ferocious bubbling of anxiety in the pit of her stomach. As if sensing her worries, Sirius pulled her hand to his lips and kissed it, before whispering, "It's okay, Farrah. It'll be fun."

The girl bit her lip. She had no doubt that it would be fun. The question was, was fun worth possibly destroying a friendship?

She pulled away from him, shaking her two hands as if to shake the nerves from them. She swallowed, "You should be getting to class now."

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