Dinner With Friends

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"So let me get this straight, you have to work with Northside Freak for 2-months? That's hilarious!" Sweerpea laughed putting a French fry in his mouth. We had dinner tonight at Pops. It was Toni's treat.

"That's terrible, I'd be afraid to work with her. I don't want to catch 'Nerditis'." Toni laughed. They all laughed but I didn't."

"Come on guys, cut it out." I said.

"What's your problem?" Sweetpea asked.

"Nothing, it's just that...I need to get used to not making fun of her a lot. I mean...she hadn't ever done anything to us." I shrugged.

"She's a Northsider! That's not even a problem, she's friends with the privileged Northsiders that think they're better than everyone else!" Fangs raised his voice. We all shushed him.

"I will admit, a scholarship to Yale is really good. I don't think I'm gonna even go to college. I'll probably just be a bartender or be a waitress." Toni shrugged.

"I've actually been looking into colleges." I shrugged. They all looked at me.

"What?! My average grade is in the 'B' range and I think I can get to college. At least community college. That way, it's slightly cheaper and I can become what I want."

"I don't have good enough grades to get to college. I'll probably just fix cars. Gladys offered me a spot to work with her, if that's ok with you, Jughead?" Sweetpea asked. I nodded and took a bite of my burger.

"I'm going to become an actor. I don't care what anyone says, I really want to become one. My parents don't think I'll be able to do it, can you guys have Faith in me?" Fangs asked. We all nodded and put our hands in the middle.

"In unity there is strength." We all said at the same time. We all laughed and smiled that night and it was good...until Betty and her friends came in.

"Look, it's the nerd herd!" Fangs yelled. We all started laughing. They all rolled their eyes. Toni grabbed her chocolate milkshake and went up to Betty.

"You're so vanilla, let's add some flavor to your boring life." Toni laughed pouring the milkshake on Betty. We all laughed and Betty's friends scoffed.

"Get out of here!" Fangs yelled throwing French Fries at them. I saw Betty run into the bathroom and I followed her.

"Betty?" I asked.

"Jughead, Get out of here! This is the girls bathroom!" Betty yelled.

"I'm sorry, ok? I didn't mean to cause trouble."

"Then why didn't you stick up for me, huh? Why do you push me everyday in the hallway? Why do you call me terrible names? If you're so sorry, why do you keep hanging out with them?!" Betty yelled even louder. There was a small moment of silence. Betty sighed and true to clean herself up.

"You're never, going to change. I know that and deep down, you know that. Don't be nice to me, we all know that when all of this is over, you're going to be the same old Jughead Jone! You're always going to be a bully! You're always going to be mean! You're always going to be rude to the people who you know, deep down, will get amazing lives. You think because you're a Southsider, you'll never achieve anything. But you're wrong! You can do anything you've ever wanted! But this road you're on...it's not going to get you anywhere. How you decide to live your life, right now, is what's going to affect your future...not the environment you live in. So step up! Man up, and handle your crap. Because one day, you're going to wake up, and your friends are going to be gone! GONE! Please, don't talk to me anymore." Betty said walking out of the bathroom. I sighed and hit my head against the wall. I went outside the bathroom and sat down again.

"Jones, are you ok?" Fangs asked.

"I'm just going to home. I can't be here right now. I'll call you guys tomorrow." I said getting.

"Alright, hang tough." Toni said. I went home and went straight to bed. I fell asleep automatically.

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