For Future Notice

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"The mansion has been finalized as yours in the city overseen by you as Myurem. Paid 20 gold for the whole mansion plus the city." My personal butler said in my office with my father.

"Even though this is yours, you can't fully move out young man! Its paid for and you get money from the citizens so your basically the landlord." He said sternly which I understood.

I was 10. Over the years I worked with people and the king to own this new city as my own. Since there was a slim chance I would inherit anything, I needed something to fall back on. The 4 open land slots outside were my war turtles resting area. They didn't cover the whole area however the grew abundantly thanks to them training, the training which I forced on to them.

Hellheim turned 12 and was attending magic academy. Edward would join next year while I will the year after. The twins are out and are now working with father on more business ventures for the family. We are a household name, so everyone pulled weight. Hel opened his fragrance company while have yet to do anything too interesting but collect money from my residence. I would average about more than 30 gold yearly. All money from the city goes to saving's and back into the city for improvements.

I don't know whats wrong with Edward but I feel as though he's super clingy, not complaining but I don't wan't to be bombarded with nobles at the academy. I might be pulled to his rank, A, most likely since the school is based off a ranking system, but you still attend for 4 to 5 years.

My company is named Jekyll and Hyde. Specialty would be anything I wanted to do.

I sat down in the carriage going back home thinking over everything and where my life will be at. However i'm selling my first land in an open country I claimed on one of my many adventures. The story will be explained in time. There, I was King Jekyll. Here I was Lord Baron Hyde.

The country name was Myriad, the spirit country. Jekyll was the emperor, i'm still trying to find a king in my place while I be the emperor bare with me. The only person who know my secret is Mother and Father, but they act like they don't, plus my butler.

 The only person who know my secret is Mother and Father, but they act like they don't, plus my butler

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Morgan Le Fay estate- 1 gold a month

She helps a lot with everything and pays a good price for this . Even though the country is still new, its claimed. To protect it I have her plus the Alkied forest for help.

Other than that, nothing is going on. I'm usually training myself. Maybe in the next book More fight scenes would be possible, however now, its time for me to rest. Voodoo-san made this book for people to look at and give there feedback on. He loves writing. He even wrote this book in 2 days so eh it might be trash. La vie est amusante

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