Royal Dinner

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3 years later after my departure and they come to visit. Not the sort of visit where they come as a ghost to watch over you for the time being, but where they looked at you from a distance as a whole. I felt each presence slowly but surely. They seemed to be watching from the spirit world castle, where we all lived at for a while. I would lie if I said I didn't miss them, however today is the royal dinner with the king and his family.

Keith and Sonya was 8 and knew the eldest Raina, well versed in ice magic. Hellheim and me stood close to each-other being closer of age, plus never meeting the king.

"Lord are you listening?" Someone pulled me out my thoughts, the botany head researcher.

"Repeat please." I said firmly which caused him to sigh.

"I explained the use of the Fairy-seeds. They have only been one discovered, this is it. You father owns this company so it may fall in line to the head Sony-" I interjected.

"But since i'm most likely won't gain any inheritance of this kind, it's better me try and fund and help in these kinds of affairs?" I asked gaining a shocked man.

"Yes Mi'lord. The Grand Duke put your name as the lead for this until your of age to own it all."

"I see, please continue." He coughed.

"Y-yes Mi'lord. This is the only Fairy seed discovered inside Alkied forest. Our magic researchers have explained mana pours out of it, but nothing else to say about it." He concluded, opening up a small case to reveal one pink and white seed.

It was brimming with magic, however.

"May I see the case?"

"Yes Mi'lord." He handed the clear case to me, with blue sink inside covering the seed.

From the Archive it said this was only in the Fairy world, separate from the physical. This meant either it was given on a whim or accidentally dropped. It could potentially, when grown, manifest fairies to grow and live around it, while also helping the surrounding vegetation.

"Do we have a Archive to put this in?"

"Yes Mi'lord, only I have the key."

"I will be taking my leave if that will be all, I wan't a key too!" I said like a child, blowing my hair out my face while handing the case back.

"So will we be putting more things in the Archive for more use?" He asked bowing.

"Yes, however we need another facility for the more rare ones and experiments." and with a bow, him and his team left.

Today is the Royal Dinner and I must look amazing, however There was something I wanted to do with my family.

"What might this be?" Mother ask worried while looking at the black and blue magic circle.

"How did you-" Father began to speak.

"His memories from mother womb no doubt." Sonya said, flipping her hair to look at it.

"This has to be a top tier magic circle, right?" Keith said, walking around it.

"Hyde has done something abnormal again!" Hellheim said laughing while looking at himself in the mirror.

Everyone but me was dressed. Mother worn a elegant red and gold dress that was adorned in gems, having her hair in a high bun, looking expensive as always while Sonya worn a miniaturized version. Father, Kieth, and Hellheim worn a red and gold suit, with there hair out, wow high class.

"Did you draw this?" My father asked as I nodded,

"The books helped me draw this and the twins gave me the chalk." I said as everyone looked at Kieth and Sonya silent.

"Don't be mad please." I said, having my hand over my fluffy cheeks, making me 10x more adorable.

"We will talk about the chalk later, however I don't understand how you did such elaborate marking's." Mother said, trailing over the marking.

"I used chalk and my own ana!" I said, waving my hands in the innocently, ignoring how I said mana but they squealed at it.

"Only masters cold preform this, however it seems you trained on the obsidian board for you bed in secret." Dad said, crossing his arms as I turned to side, holding a hand out to the circle.

"The obsidian is the offering, I also added a mix of a dead hair, a sea shell, then a regular hair. Activate." I said slow.

It glowed a brighten blue as the obsidian turned white as though it was changing. As though it was a disco, a matter of different colors blinded us until it dimmed down.

"IS THA-" My father tried to say until I ran towards them.

"Master! Master!" All four of them said. War turtles.

They could grow the size of castles and mountains, while changing in color and diversity. The biggest was turquoise while his shell is legit rosary diamonds with an obsidian rim. I named him Typhon.

The next was one pink in color while having a gold shell and a obsidian rim. I named her Aura.

The third was blood red in color while having an all obsidian shell with intricate magic circles on the base in red. I named him Tempest.

The last was yellow in color with an orange shell, with white obsidian on the rim. I named him Ray. All of my contracted spirits.

"I never heard of a child summoning such power spirits at this age...." Mother said before clapping her hands together "MARVELOUS! A GENIUS!" She said jumping around in heels, scary.

"We need to up our game." Keith said which Sonya agreed to.

"I wan't to get stronger to! Teach me Hyde!" Hel said happily.

"Make sure they will be a secret, only the household and servants may know." Father said before turning. "Come everyone, I know you all wan't to improve but today is the dinner. Let Hyde finish preparing while we wait outside."

The maids bowed to everyone leaving before I un-summoned them, letting them change my clothes.

My outfit was the same as the males, who accompanied me was Hendrix, my personal butler.

"You look amazing, mi'lord."

"Than you." I said, chuckling while passing him to the carriage with my family.

The time to get there was about 1 hour at most, being as though Alkied was huge and the capital was more huge.

The Akashic record updated and told me there was new things going on but I decided not to read it so things could surprise me.

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