Recovering hearts ..Ch 13..

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Encre's Pov.

How dare... How could she..? Macabre.. she.. killed Azure..

"Go back to the castle!" I heard Macabre shout. I was then grabbed by Fallacy, who had also grabbed Jasper. We were lifted off of the ground, and were taken back to the castle. Fallacy landed before the castle's main doors, setting Jasper and I down. I instantly stormed off into the guest room. I sat on the bed, pulling my knees to my chest.
I didn't want Azure to die.. She was a friend of mine and.. didn't deserve to die..
Also, Fallacy just stood here and watched as Macabre killed Azure! He should've helped Azure or something..!

Jasper's Pov.

I was there with father. He was carrying me in his arms, as I shoved my face into his chest. I was crying. I was scared.. confused.. and well.. just saw someone die.. I cried and cried as father began to transport me to my room. He took me up the stairs, and well.. walked into my room.
He set me onto the bed, as I still kept my arms wrapped around him for the slightest bit of comfort. I was afraid of those wooden stakes ever since Eterna came to the castle and tried to take Encre away from us.
"Shh.. it's ok, Jasper.. no one's going to hurt you.." Father finally said out of the blue.
I was still crying into father's chest, giving no answer. He began to rub the back of my skull in a comforting way. I began to calm down, sighing shakily. After a long while of father trying to calm me, he stood up, saying, "I'm going to go check on Encre, alright..?" I nodded in response, as father walked out of my room. I then climbed into my closet, thinking to myself once again.

Fallacy's Pov.

I began to walk down the long hall, heading for the guest room. I finally made it to the guest room, opening the door and peeking inside, "Encre..?" "..Go away..."  Was the response given to me by Encre. But I didn't want to go away, so I thought of something to get her out of this room.
"I just wanted to show you something.." I said, slowly walking into the room. "..What is it..?" Encre responded, turning her skull to look at me. I sighed, "Well.. you have to get out of this room first.." "Oh.. then forget it..." Encre turned her skull back to look at the white sheets of the bed she sat on. "Oh.. please, come look.. you'll like it..!" I pleaded.
She groaned and stood up, as she followed me out of the room. We walked down the long hall, and stopped in front of a decently big door. I opened the door, revealing an art room. I already knew she loved painting and art because well.. those books in the library. She gasped in amazement, before running into the room.
She likes it, just as expected..

(497 words. Sorry I haven't updated the story in a couple of days. I've been reeeaaallly lazy and not in the mood of writing a chapter. But, I have dis one now, so enjoy!)

Vampire Love [VampireVerse] [Encre x Fallacy]Where stories live. Discover now