The Vampire Huntress' visit ..Ch 6..

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Eterna's Pov.

"ENCRE!!" I shouted.

And sure enough, there she was, hiding behind that vampire. "Hey, vampire.. mind giving me Encre? Asgore expects me to come back with her."  I said. I wanted to get Encre back to Asgore as quick as possible. But, the stupid b a t simply replied to me, "No thanks... now leave.."
I drew my pistol, it being full of ammo waiting to be shot at the vampire. "Now, hand Encre over, and you can keep your son, you ugly bat."  I wasn't joking when I said this. I will go upstairs and murder that coward. "YOU STAY AWAY FROM JASPER!" Ooo! Yelling, how fun! "..You stay away from Encre, and whoever else lives in this very castle." "Come on. H a n d  h e r o v e r." I said.
I just wanted Encre! How hard can it be to hand her over!?

Another vampire came out of nowhere, glaring at me. "I suggest you leave, now.." He said. But, I don't feel like dealing with this. So, I began to walk upstairs. "Hah. Just hand her over, and you won't lose your son~" I taunted them, before sprinting up the stairs. I could tell Fallacy and that other person rushed after me. And from downstairs, I could hear the faint cry of Encre.
"FALLACY!!" The cry pleaded.
How sad. Has she really gotten attached to this.. v a m p i r e?
I ran, and ran until I reached the smol vampire's door. I attempted to open it. But, I was grabbed by Fallacy, whom had pulled me away from the door. But, I did what I could, and shot him with my pistol.
Ha. Easy.
The Vampire King hissed in pain as he stumbled backwards. Meanwhile, the other anonymous vampire drop-kicked me away from the door, and down the stairs. He and Fallacy followed. I was outnumbered, yes. But that made it more fun.

Encre's Pov.

I was downstairs, curled up into a ball. But all of a sudden I was picked up. I was now moving at high speeds towards the main doors of the castle. I soon found out that Eterna was carrying me within her arms. So, I trashed and stuggled in attempt to break free. But me, being weak, hungry, and injured... it barely did anything.
Soon enough I was outside. There was a carriage which was pulled by horses waiting outside. There were also some of Asgore's men. I struggled and thrashed around more. "FALLACY!!" I cried. I saw Fallacy rushing out of the castle doors. I had been immobilized. My hands tied behind my back, and my legs tied together. I was put inside of the carriage as some of Asgore's men held me down. I couldn't move at all. Too weak. Too frail. Too hungry. Too.. helpless. Soon enough the carriage was moving away from the castle. And I was being taken back to the village.

'This is it..'

'I'm going back to that hell..'

'And it's all because I couldn't fight for myself....'

(516 words. Also, Croe, I told you. C l i f f H a n g e r.)

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