Asgore Trouble Ch 5..

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Asgore's Pov.




I was furious with the guards as they spoke to me.
"Uh-uhmm, Your Majesty, we couldn't find Encre anywhere.. W-We checked every inch of the Forbidden Forest.. She's gone.." Reported one of the guards as they trembled in fear before me.
I did not accept that. So, I gave them an order. A simple one;
"Send Eterna to the vampire king's Castle.. that's the only other place Encre could be."
"Y-yes, Your Majesty." 
And with that, the guard ran off to deliver my order to Eterna.

Cruzar's Pov.

I had followed Jasper to the guest room where nobody stayed.. until now.
There was a female mortal there. With Fallacy also there. Fallacy introduced me to the mortal.
But, he didn't tell me their name, "Fallacy, what is the mortal's name?"
".. I do not know yet.. I never got the chance to ask.. but.. why not now.." Fallacy replied to me.
"..So, mortal, what is your name..?" Fallacy asked the mortal.
The mortal then replied,  "..Encre... Encre is my name.." 
"Well then, Encre. It is nice to meet you." I smiled at Encre. "Yeah.. I guess.." She sounded sad..
I wonder why.
But, I had only just woken up, and for some reason I feel tired already. "I will be in my room if anyone needs me."
And so, I walked off and into my room, flopping down onto the bed.

Encre's Pov.

My leg still hurt like hell.. but I had just met a n o t h e r vampire.
How many vampires are in this castle?! It doesn't matter right now anyway..
I had just noticed that Jasper had approached me, looking a bit sad. "Oh.. hello.. Jasper.."  I said to him. "Hello.. again, Encre... Uhmm.. h-how are you..?" The small skeleton asked me. I shrugged in response. "U-uh.. Encre..? Do.. do you hate me...?" Jasper asked out of the blue. Of course I didn't hate him, "What? No no.. I don't hate you." I had no idea why Jasper thought I hated him. "O-oh.. that's a relief.. heheh..-" Jasper then said as I smiled kindly at him.

My hunger grew more and more as I looked at Fallacy. "Can we get something to eat now...?" I asked. I couldn't wait any longer. I was already feeling weak. Fallacy nodded as he led Jasper and I out of the room. Jasper went to his room for.. whatever reason, as Fallacy helped me walk down the stairs and other stuff.

But all of a sudden,
someone burst through the main doors of the castle.

"ENCRE!!" The person shouted.

Oh no. It was Eterna.

And she's after me.

(452 words. Yay. Bai now.)

Vampire Love [VampireVerse] [Encre x Fallacy]Where stories live. Discover now