chapter 7

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so here we go I am working out every morning and going to work every day and night. I am the top fighter at the gym where I practice my fighting. my plan is going great but soon im going to have to stop working as much because im about to start school again. I have my school transcripts and I decided  im going to trick the front desk lady into thinking im in witness protection. so she will change my name in the system to summer gains so everyone will call me that even the teachers and no one will recognize my name and if someone calls she will not tell them my really name. so I get everything ready to make the call because I have to start school in next week. after I have setup my autotune speaker I call hathaway high. they answer

yes hathaway high front desk may I help you?

yes ma'am this is the officer and chief of the witness protection program league I said it really fast so she wouldn't hear the last part. we are inquiring about a student that is about to transfer into your school we have sent you her transcripts. how ever for her safety we need you to change her name in your system.

why what happened 

that is classified but you should still be able to see when she come in the first day we just recently extracted her from the situation. please just cooperate with us so that she is safe and not furtherly traumatized. 

ok yes sir what is her name?

DJ Apolo but we want you to change it to Summer Gains 

ok got it I will let you know if anyone starts snooping.

that would be greatly appreciated just call this number back would you like me to give it to you or can you save it from here.

I have it honey and you have a blessed day.

you do the same ma'am 

now that is done which I can't believe that actually worked I will just have to do some makeup and stuff for the first week of school. dang what a girl must do to go to school am I right lol. 

time to head back to work for the night shift.

Alex-- I thought you weren't coming today?

Alex I have been working for you for a while now when do I not show up when you tell me not to and im doing as many double as I can because after this week I can only work nights because im starting school. 

Alex-- oh ok I get you good because you work to much as it is.  

well you should know I am almost at my goal I just need 10,000 more and I will be there. 

Alex-- you just do good in school and don't stress yourself out to much and im sure you will make it by time you graduate.

yea I hope so.

about an hour later my favorite customer comes in 

hey mr. James how are you doing today?

doing good summer how about you? 

im good im about to start school at hathaway high so how goes the search? 

good we found some school records and are tracking them now.

cool I will keep an eye out at my school. so what will it be today?

I think I will have the stake rare with some peach cobbler and razz  lemonade.

coming right up

sense the hospital he hasn't tried anything but I have to watch what  I say and remember what he knows about summer. I am happy I was able to keep my dad in my life some how so I know he is okish I know he is faking a lot of it but this is just something I have to do.

James- so if you don't mind me asking what was It your parents didn't agree with?

It was little things but the tipping point was when I told them I am bi sexual.

James- oh that's nothing at least you weren't trying to kill yourself. my daughter was trying to make herself stronger but she was going about it the wrong way with chemicals.

how do you know it was the wrong way did she ever go to the hospital and have to be Brought back to life.

James- no but she has spent her whole life in and out of the hospital because of it how can that be right. 

just because you or I do not understand it does not make it wrong. just like my parents think it is wrong to date girls and guys they think I am crazy and I have done nothing but opened my heart more. I think it maybe like that with her she feels like she is just misunderstood. 

James-- see this is why I like talking to because it is like I am picking her brain or like I am getting  info from her side of things.

well your more than welcome to pick my brain anytime you want and have a nice day today.

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