chapter 5

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so I lay on the bed and decide to watch Supernatural because Dean is hot. 
When Alex walked in I was screaming at the tv.
Alex asked, " what are you doing"

I'm doing what you asked me to do I am sitting down and watching tv I really got into this show it's awesome.

Alex, " ok well just keep it down so I can get some work done.

Yea of course can I help ?
Alex, " no you are here to rest nothing else go back to your show.

Ok but at 6 I'm going back to work.
Alex no your not your coming out to dinner with me and some of my friends.
DJ "but but but I'm fine I can work
Alex "to bad because you are coming out just for tonight, tomorrow you can get back to working yourself to death.

I'm not working my self to death I'm just saving up for my future dreams. 

When he left I got my pad out and started writing my check list  of everything I needed to get my pack started. 

1. Successfully get a high level of silver in your system while building up your strength.

2. learn to survive on your own

3.  raise the money to build a pack 

4. finish school

5. convince the elders

6. start the pack training only 4 people at first

7. keep growing the pack and start teaching them a new language for protective purposes 

ok so I have two out of seven of those finished now I'm working on raising the money because I have to show I know what I am doing that I can take care of a pack financially first and show them they won't have to foot the bill like most of the packs do. if I can do that then they will be more willing to let me start a pack with silver. I know that this is a risk not only to the people in the pack but also to the other packs because when it does work I could take over everything with a large enough pack but that is not why I'm starting this pack I'm starting this pack for the people who are scared who have been told their whole life they are nothing who are to weak to stand up for themselves.  I'm starting this pack for the misfits and outsiders. while I am teaching them about silver and training them I will also teach them to let go and teach them what this pack is for and if they ever see fit to try and harm someone that has wronged them or pick on someone just because they can I will kill them with out a blink of an eye because that is one of the reasons  I created the pack to protect against.  You may think "well that is a little harsh" but its not with great power comes great responsibility all the wolves will be told what they are signing up for before they do it and I know with the right guidance that my pack will thrive on treating people equal. My pack will be a vicious but a lovingly open pack meaning that each pack member equal to each other. we have no omegas that clean because they are lower. however if you hurt one of us you get all of us but we do not seek out fights. 

while I was deep in thought Alex came in to get me for the dinner. 

ok im getting up now that actual helped just resting for a few hours but I can do that more when im dead. As I was laughing Alex just looked at me like I was crazy. 

Alex "ok, Mrs. kill myself before im thirty here we go."

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