chapter 1

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This is a story about how I came to be.

She is running thought the woods but she can't stop because if she does reality will catch up. The reality of silver being illegal for wolves to have. Like can you believe that wolves can be hunted with silver by hunters but wolves can't use it to protect them selves. Then again maybe its because wolves are highly allergic to silver but she doesn't care she loves the strength behind the idea of possessing silver. She doesn't live in a pack she ran away from her father, the alpha of apolo pack because he wouldn't let her achieve her dreams of being the first wolf to control silver. Every time she would come home smelling like silver he would have her sent the hospital to be checked for silver and it was taken from her even if it was inside of her. So she hatched a plan first she would take trips to a small town not to far but far enough that it wasn't wolf territory. To become acquainted with everyone to not be seen as a stranger when she did finally move down they're permanently. Also to look for jobs and houses and just meet the new people of her life.

At home her father was being the same over baring father he is . Everyday she would go to school than to the town than back home. She only tried to sneak silver pasted her father two more time in the last year so he wouldn't be suspicious. It did not work it has been a year now and she is a week away from leaving but her father is making it harder for her to visit the town because he has been sending wolves to follow her. She has diverted them so far by going to the wood and just laying there for hours before going home. Then one night her father just asked her point blank what she was up to., "I Don't know what you talking about I just don't like being in the prison you have built for me all day long so I try to stay out as long as I can." Yes she was pushing her luck but she wanted him to know how she felt before she left. Her father abruptly stood up, "oh now this house is a prison because I won't let you kill your self over some dame silver dream that is not possible, then so be it. Go to your room and when you can rethink your response than you may leave your prison." She knew this would be the last time she would see her father so she replied with, "ok father I will do as you ask but first I want to tell you I love you and I know you are trying your best."  Her father continues with, "yes I only want the best for you I love you too."

I went up to my room and went to bed. The next day I set up a decoy and went to the town. I finally accepted Alex's job offer, and told him I would be able to start in two days. Then she told that sweet couple she had met that she can finally help and move in but to keep it hush hush or she wouldn't be able to. They know part of the reason she had told them story on her visits. About some one coming after if she was to move in, her abusive boyfriend to be exact that would chase her to the end of the earth if he could. No, it's not true but she had to improvise a little to create her persona of who she wanted to be. In two day she would no longer be the over protected daddy's porcelain doll that can do no wrong.

 Later before it got too late she snuck back in to her room and turned of her computer decoy. A minute later some one knocked she asked who it was as long as it was not her dad she would let them in. It was just her maids to being her dinner. Her father hadn't even come to her door at all . If he wanted to be stubborn then she can be stubborn to she had hoped with in this year he would come to his senses and not try to control her; she had not had such luck yet. So on with her plans. She started writing her letter that she would leave behind to explain she had left and wasn't coming back.

The day had finally came she had been inside for two days now. She was finally breaking free. As she packed her stuff she put her disguise in her bag along with everything else she was bring including a picture of her and her dad, she would really miss him. She was determined though she is going to accomplish her dreams. She left the letter on her bed then jumped out her window and ran faster than she ever had before, leaving her past behind. When she arrived at the old couples house she told them she had done it but he would probable come looking for her saying she was his daughter that ran away because that is what happened last time. Ok yea she felt bad lying to them but she couldn't be protected her whole life. Step two she died her hair the same color as her wig and took on the identity she had created. A week later a man indeed did come to town asking if anyone had seen his daughter she had run away from home and he just wanted to know if she was alright. He came into the dinner I work at and asked me if I had seen this girl in the picture. I told him I hadn't but if he couldn't find her she must be fine because if she was hurt or something she would find a way to ask him for help. The funny part about all of this was I had molded with my persona so well that he had no idea the girl he was asking about was right in front of him.


I write some stories that are just ideas on the spot but when my story are dealing with werewolves and silver they are apart of my soul so please don't steal a piece of my soul.

BY: LittleWolf

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