chapter 3

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Liam" I came to bring you home....."

Huh, what do you mean, I don't understand?"

" look what you have done to your body DJ I have come to put a stop to this."

oooohhh I are you doing the cop thing again? Did it work have you found your daughter yet ooooo can I meet her? Hey did you call me DJ was that her name? Its ok to talk about it she would want you to be happy and not miserable and looking for her until you die.

"Man I miss her sooooo much then I heard you were in the hospital and I thought if you really were her than you sure wouldn't be able to act like your not if your sick so yes I tried the cop trick again just with a little more force but it still didn't work. Why didn't it work? Why can't you just be her?  

"Now now you don't mean that you wouldn't want to have a fake daughter over your real daughter. You just really miss her but maybe it was time for her to grow up how old was she?"

"She just turned 17 this year. All I wanted to do was protect her."

"Well she sound pretty grown up to me and maybe your protection isn't what she needed maybe she needed you acceptance. Maybe she ran away to find her self and show you her independence and that she can take care of herself even if you think she is doing something dangerous."

"Wow you talk like you know where she is coming from."

"I do my parents weren't excepting of my personal choices that is why I live with my grandparents because they accept me for who I am not who they want me to be."

"I didn't mean for it to feel like that to her I just wanted what's best for her."

"Well what you think or want to be best for her may not be what is best for her personality if she wants to do something and it's apart of her purpose than who are you to stand in her way?"

I didn't mean for it to be like that if I could tell her I'm sorry and I didn't mean to try and change her I would."

"I'm sure she knows but when you do find her tell her that because she needs to hear it too and don't be upset with her when you do finally find her."

"ok your right sorry again I really do want to be friends. Sorry everyone."

"Yea its ok and I want us to be friends too."

everyone says "yea its fine."

" hey also itsn't your daughter still in school."

" yea but she's ahead so wouldn't have to start school back up until next year to graduate at the same year as her other class mates."

"cool maybe you can check the schools see if she registered."

" yea thanks."

doctor comes back in the room "ok everybody out everybody out she needs to get her rest."

Many days went by were I would get my water put the silver in and after drinking it go wash the cup out. Then do work outs as much as possible, but when the doctor would come in he would get mad because i was wearing my body out and I was never going to get better he said. I intern told him I can't just sit still everyday I just don't work that way I do rest a lot just not all the time.

After about two weeks I was out of the hospital with silver still in my system and as strong as ever. I was working twice as much Because I'm  going to start school next year like my father said and I have to save up.

sorry about how short this is I like how this ended.

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