chapter 4

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I have been working my butt off at work to catch up on the money loss I had while in the hospital. Every morning now, I get up at 4:00 drink my silver then do 50 laps around the town then I have a little training area at grandparents house were I do 200 crunches, 100 sit-ups, 100 pull ups, then I practice holding a silver knife in my hand I'm up to 20 secs long enough for me to try and throw it at a tree. After I get a shower and go to work by 7:00. 

Alex greets me as I come in "good morning sunshine "

"good morning" I replied 

"hey when are you going to stop putting yourself thought this."

" When I save enough to move and pay for school."

" ok just don't over do it we don't want you to go back to the hospital. Speaking of that did they ever find out what was wrong."

"no they are perplexed on what it was we are just happy I got  better instead of worse because you can't fight something if you don't know what it is."

"well ok lets get ready to open."

Later that night as I was cleaning up and counting my tips Alex says," how did you do today."

" I did really good I made little over a thousand dollars."

"Good maybe you can take off tomorrow and rest then come back the next day"

" how about I come in for the morning shift actual take my break and then take off the night shift and go work out more maybe watch some tv later."

"what you haven't been taking your breaks, are you crazy you have to eat."

" calm down I have been eating I drink my slim shakes for lunch which only takes a min or two and then I Eat a samwhich or buy something for my dinner break."

" ok but you still need your break to cool off and not run around."

" im fine "

" your not going to listen to me are you."


"ok fine ill allow that but you will be taking tomorrow off the whole day off!  you can do as you wish before 12 then come to my office so we can talk tomorrow."

"sir yes sir."

I leave and head to the boxing ring I go there every night to practice my fighting skills. Then on the weekends I go up to this wolf reserve park and run in my wolf form. 

I tell the owner I won't be coming tomorrow I have something coming up.

The next day I wake up at 4 and do my routine plus some extra then take a shower, clean my house (grandparents house) then got ready to meet Alex at work at 12.

When Alex saw he came up and said," oh great your here, right this way"

We go up into his office but it had been turned into a sort of bed room.

"Sit and let me explain" he said after we entered.


I know you and you won't rest at home honestly what have you done this morning."

"not much just my normal stuff work out and stuff like clean my house."

"see I gave you the day off and you don't even sleep in and all you do Is work. so you are going to sit in here while I work and ill Come check and see if you are doing it. Don't organize my office don't work on anything! just lay there and watch Netflix or whatever."

"ok ok fine."

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