4 Sets of Grandparents

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Liv gaped at the sight of the father in laws new...whatever she is to him.

"You've got to be kidding me," she laughed, "Sherry?"

"So you do remember me? Thank God or that would be awkward," she laughed.

"Oh yeah, because that's the only possible way this could be awkward. Well, you two are welcome to each other," Liv spat, throwing a key at Jimmy, feeling disappointed when it missed his head.

Jimmy opened his mouth to speak but Liv stormed out before he could, and made herself a coffee. This was going to be interesting.


Hayley and Tristin walked out of the hospital, Hayley leaning on him.

"How are you feeling?" He asked after helping her get into the car.

"Scared," she admitted.

Tristin reached for her hand, "you were amazing. And the doctors were pleased with how it went. We'll just have to wait until you've been a few times to see if it's making any difference."

"What if it's not," she sniffed.

"Then they'll try something else. You will get better, I promise," he said.

Hayley nodded, fighting tears and fatigue and fear.


Kirk sat at the counter at Luke's diner, although the owner wished he wasn't.

"So then she kicked me out, because I told mother I liked living with Lulu more, and mother told Lulu and Lulu thought I was too insensitive to her. What do you think?" Kirk asked.

"I think that you should leave," Luke grumbled. Kirk began today something else, but Luke glared at him, and Kirk shrugged, picked up his burger and left.

Lorelai began to laugh from behind him, "well that was amusing."

"That was painful and scarring and torturous. I wanted to stab my eyes out , rip my ears off and burn myself alive," Luke exaggerated.

"I think that will hurt," Lorelai laughed.

"So did that!" Luke exclaimed.


Logan and Alex arrived back home in silence. They got back in the house and stood apart from each other in the front room.

"Are you going to tell Rory?" She asked.

"I have to tell her. I'll explain everything, it'll be fine. Don't worry," Logan tried to be reassuring, smiling softly.

"I don't want to go back there," Alex admitted.

It was in these seven simple words that Logan realised just how broken this young girl was. How tormented and scarred and scared she was. Something pulled on Logan's heart as he heard her timid voice break. The girl who got into trouble was trying to protect her identity. The sarcastic young lady they had been met with was a façade to disguise her identity. Her identity was this broken girl whose bottom lip wobbled and eyes flooded.

Logan, not knowing what to say, grabbed his car keys and smiled, "let's go and get McDonald's."


Olivia stormed into her house, slamming the door, and dropping her bag forcefully on the ground, "Jess?"

"In the kitchen. Coffee?" He asked.

"Make it Irish! You'll never guess who is staying at the inn! Only your nomad father and my airhead ex-stepmother! Together! In a double room!" Liv continued her rambling until she got to the kitchen, where she froze in her tracks, "and now they're in my kitchen. Holding my baby. Babe, why are they in my kitchen holding my baby?"

"We came to see Jess. And our granddaughter," Sherry smiled awkwardly.

"She's not your anything and he lost any kind of possession of her when he walked out on his son," Liv almost snarled.

Jess walked to her, "honey, can I talk to you in the other room?"

"Fine, but I want my baby," Liv huffed, taking her daughter from Jimmy.

They walked out of earshot and Liv stood waiting for answers.

"They turned up and Sherry told me Christopher had mentioned you'd had a baby when she went to pick up Gigi last week. Her and Jimmy had met two weeks before in a bar and hit it off apparently. Then they realised who each other were through some story that I completely zoned out of and now they're hear," Jess explained.

"Jess, it's weird!" Liv whispered loudly.

"I know, but I thought that seeing as we can get past the fact my uncle is married to your mum, we can get past the fact my dad is dating your half-sister's mum," Jess said.

"Any other time you would have told Jimmy where to go."

"I guess I kind of want him to be a part of Ava's life. Make up for when he wasn't in mine. And maybe it means I can have some kind of positive relationship with my father," Jess said this part really quietly, and Liv bit her lip at how unusually broken he sounded.

"Okay," Liv said, calmly, "but if he hurts you again it's gotta be the last."

"It will. Also they wanted to see Ava and it gave me and excuse to hear about how beautiful she is for the billionth time," Jess brooded.

"She's a stunner," Liv grinned down at the sleeping baby in her arms, before walking to the cot they kept in the front room and lay her down.

"It also means we have more babysitters," Jess raised an eyebrow at her, walking in that direction, too.

"What do we need babysitters for?" Liv feigned innocence.

"Well I haven't been able to show my gorgeous wife a good time in a while," he whispered in her ear as he lay his hands on her waist.

"That's true," she smiled, "maybe we should start taking advantage of the four sets of grandparents she has," she joked.

"Maybe we should," he agreed, kissing her neck softly.

Liv's hands moved over his back. Damn, he's sexy, she thought.

Just as Jess was about to kiss her lips, they were interrupted by a loud, "oh!"

The pair jumped away from each other, facing a very awkward Sherry and Jimmy.

"Sorry about that," Jess coughed, hesitantly.

"Busted," Jimmy tried to joke.

A silence filled the room.

"So, erm," Liv began, "fancy babysitting tonight?"

I'm back! I'm also very sorry it took so long! I have plans for what I want to happen that I think you'll like...watch this space! Xoxo

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