Two Weeks Today

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Liv woke up, blinking awake, squinting up at her fiancé, "morning," she croaked.

"Morning," he muttered back, absentmindedly.

"Have you spoken to him?" She yawned.


"Are you going to?" She asked.


"Fine, Mr Monosyllabic, but I'm going to make sure that Jimbo hasn't nicked any of my cabbage. Help me into my chair?" Liv asked, sitting up and grabbing her dressing gown, wrapping it tightly around her.

Jess got up and asked her what she meant by cabbage, "It's pirate talk matey."

"Fine," he shrugged, getting back into bed after opening the door for her, letting her out and closing it again.

Liv wheeled herself into the living room, where Jimmy was watching TV.

"Of course you can use my television; my pride and joy; my mother's source of sanity," Liv drawled, yawning.

"I just assumed..."

"I assumed you had assumed that. Let's cut to the chase. What are you doing here Jimmy?" Liv asked.

"She kicked me out. Said I was too flighty, too annoying, she couldn't trust me. I told her she was insane, that made it worse. So she kicked me out. That's that," Jimmy shrugged.

"And I'm assuming "she" is your girlfriend, fiancée whatever?" Liv asked.

"Assuming is your fine point isn't it? And it's ex. Ex-girlfriend," he laughed bitterly, which was followed by an awkward pause in which neither knew what to say.

"You know, Jess was pretty torn up when you turned him away in California. He risked everything, because he thought he could make amends with his dad. I was so angry when he left, no note, no explanation, no goodbye. Just gone. He almost missed my graduation, he missed my prom. I was so angry! And then he was back, and heartbroken and he told me what you did and I was angry at you, not him. How could you turn your son away like that? So I hope that when you came back, you didn't expect him to welcome you into his arms, or me to either. You messed him up, Jimmy. From the moment he was born until that moment in California when he realised what a crappy father you would've been anyway, you'd messed him up," Liv ranted.

"Thanks," he chuckled.

"Do you even care?" Liv asked in disbelief.

"Of course I care! He's my son!" Jimmy cried.

"Then why did you leave him? Huh? If you cared so much, why didn't you give him the chance to get to know his dad?" Liv shouted back at him.

"You know what, I came here for my son, not my sons crazy fiancée who will probably meet someone else in a week," Jimmy scoffed, standing up.

"I've been in his life longer than you have ever been," Liv shouted, "where are you going?"

"Luke's place. Tell Jess to meet me there at 11," he said, walking out.


Jimmy walked into Luke's, and was met with a glare, "what the heck are you doing here?"

"Seeing my son. Guessed it was about time for a father son catch up, you know?" Jimmy shrugged.

"Get out, Jimmy," Luke demanded.

"I want a coffee," Jimmy said.

"The coffees mine," Lorelai popped up from the counter.

"The decafs yours," Luke told her, but turned back to Jimmy, "I won't ask again."

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