Sorry, Sorry, Sorry

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"Dad what are you doing here?" Liv asked, awkward and confused.

"I thought I'd come and see you and Rory. It's been a while," he smiled.

"Yes it has been a while, and who's fault is that?" She smiled back, sarcastically.

They stood in an awkward silence, Luke excusing himself to serve some customers, "I didn't mean to stay away for so long," Chris began, cautiously.

"The universe hates me! This is some kind of karma! Maybe for that one time I accidentally dropped a sweet wrapper of the path...wait no this is God punishing me for my so called terrible taste in music!" She rambled, Chris looking more and more confused, "not that you'd know, as you've never been around."

"This isn't fair," Chris said, "I've had to be a single dad, looking after Gigi."

"Ah yes. And where is my beloved sister today?" Liv rolled her eyes.

"With my mother," Chris told her, "I want to make it up to you and Rory, I hate that I wasn't there for you."

"You say that every time dad! And every time you leave us again," Liv laughed, "we're used to the disappointment now."

"What's gotten into you today, Ol? You're never this..." Chris asked her.

"Blunt? Honest? Brutal?" Liv suggested, "take your pick. I, however, have places to be," she said goodbye to Luke, walking out of the diner and going back to Lorelai's house.

When she got back in, Lorelai was sat on the sofa, talking to her stomach. Not that Liv noticed.

"Dads back," she shouted.

"What? No way!" Lorelai gasped, "why?"

"Same reason as always!" Liv sighed, sitting down next to her, "today is going to be remembered for years to come."

"Have you spoken to him? Jess, I mean," Lorelai asked.

"No, I'm gonna call him now I think. And then I need a bath," Liv said, running a hand through her bath, walking into her room.

She flopped down on the bed, pulling out her cell phone.

Dialling his number, it went straight to answer phone.

"Hey this is Jess. I'm busy now, if you're anyone but TJ leave a message. If you are TJ don't bother, see if Luke will do it. And if you're a hooker I have a girlfriend who can curse you in six different languages. Beep," Jess' voice blared through, making her smile.

"Hey babe — I mean hon — I mean...hey. I need to talk to you soon, we need to figure this out. I miss you already, and it's only been an hour. I slapped Tristin. My dads back. I don't know what else to say except I'm sorry and I love you," she laughed nervously, "call me back. Or come to the house, it's up to you. Bye," she ended awkwardly.

"Hey sweets your dads here," Lorelai pokes her head around the door.

"Why?" She sighed.

"Because we need to talk," Christopher said from behind Lorelai.

"Whatever, come in," Liv yelled back.

He walked in and sat in the bed, Lorelai closing the door behind them, but still listening in from the kitchen.

"I've been a crap father. I know that. But being a dad to Gigi has made me realise that I need to be here more," Chris told her.

"Dad, last time you were here you argued with grandpa and fought with Luke," Liv sighed.

"I know, I was stupid," Chris said, "please give me another chance?"

"Ok," Liv sighed, "I've had a crap day dad, I'm sorry for being so...snappy, I feel 16 again. Me and Jess split up."

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