October 24th, 20BBY

973 46 8

Dear Diary,

    Why isn't Anakin home yet? Why isn't he here? I'm worried sick about him! He could be in danger!

    Let me explain why I'm so upset about all this.

    I got a message from Anakin last night. It started out like every message we've ever had...

    Anakin: Padme, I'm sorry I haven't messaged you in a while. You know how it gets.

    Me: Of course...

    Anakin: Is something wrong? You seem upset.

    Me: Its nothing.

    Anakin: Padme, I know something's wrong. You don't have to lie to me.

    Me: Anakin, I think I've been pretty honest with you.

    Anakin: What's that supposed to mean?

    Me: I miss you Anakin! I want you to come home! That's not a secret to you!

    Anakin: I know that Padme. I want to be home too! I miss you more than I can say!

   Me: Then why aren't you here?

   Anakin: I'm trying Padme! Why don't you understand that I'm trying?

   I was taken back by how quickly Anakin got upset. He wasn't usually like that. I wasn't usually like that either. We didn't yell like that unless there was a problem. And that's exactly what we had...

    Me: Anakin...

    Anakin: Padme, I'm sorry. I shouldn't be getting mad at you. This isn't your fault. Its mine.

    Me: No Anakin. It's not. It's not your fault. You have a duty to serve. Its not fair for me to be angry at you.

   Anakin: I really am trying Padme.

   Me: I know.

   I heard Rex's voice in the distance. I sighed in annoyance.

    Rex: General! We're being attacked! We need to evacuate!

    Anakin: What? Hang on! I'm coming!

   He turned his eyes to me. The had a piercing intensity in them. "Padme, I have to go." he said with fake calmness. I could hear the hidden fear within his voice. I nodded with wide eyes and a blank expression, "I love you Ani..." I whispered weakly. Anakin smiled slightly, "Hey, I'll be okay. I love you too."

    After that, the image of him flickered out. My heart felt heavy in my chest. Would he really be okay?

   I still haven't heard back from him. I'm getting worried because even the tracking device in his lightsaber isn't picking up. That means one of to things: Coruscant is experiencing an solar flare which wipes out my signal, or Anakin's lightsaber had been damaged.

    And Coruscant isn't having a solar flare.

  I hope he's okay...

                               Love, Mrs. Skywalker + 1

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