Chapter Thirty-Nine [ Dredging Up the Past]

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It's like 10:30pm right now and I haven't updated in like a while. Whoops. But hey, I'm here to yeet this random chapter at you as I struggle to write more! :D



Chapter 39 [Dredging Up the Past]


Adam was struggling with how he was going to approach Seto with all the information he had. The whole trek down to the bottom of the ravine Adam was trying to decide whether he should lay everything out onto the table or lie or even a mix of the two. But in the end, as Adam stood in the entryway of cave, he still had no idea what he should say. However, the words he spoke to Ross only 10 minutes ago still rung clearly in his head.

Despite his current fears and doubts, he would face this challenge and all its consequences head on.

Seto was writing diligently with his back turned to Adam at his desk. Seto was always perceptive, he always seemed to know when Adam was around so he waited patiently by the door too hesitant to call out initially. But when Seto did nothing but continue to write Adam put his game face on and took several steps into the messy cave.

"Seto," he called out, but Seto didn't reply. That was certainly odd since Seto requested Adam's presence, but he was now too focused on whatever he was doing.

Seto suddenly grumbled in frustration and crumpled up the piece of paper he was writing on and tossed it to the floor. It surprisingly made its way towards Adam and that was when he notice the floor was covered in these balls of paper. Adam took a step forward and bent down to grab the one Seto had just thrown.

Adam uncrumpled the paper, what could Seto be working on that made his so eerily focused. What was so important?

Adam's eyes widened; the entire piece of paper was unlike Seto at all. It was a letter...if it could even be called that.

A letter to a deadman.

Jason, was all it said. Like Seto was trying to start a letter to man who died but didn't know where to go with it. To see Seto struggle with such an issue was shocking since such an issue would never land itself in front of Seto. He who always found such notions pointless was engaging in a pointless notion.

Adam felt bad for Seto in that moment, what could he possibly be going through to make him act so out of character.

Adam looked up in time to see Seto throw another paper ball, "Seto?"

Seto froze and turned around, "You're here..." he paused and shook his head a moment later, "You can leave, I don't need your assistance anymore," He turned back around to his desk.

"But Seto, you wanted to ask--"

Seto slammed his fist into his desk, "Dammit!" he yelled in frustration. Adam was frozen in fear as Seto's lips drew back in anger revealing his gritting teeth. Seto turned back to his desk and pushed up forcely from his chair. The chair crashed into a stack of books that toppled horrendously into the floor

Adam stumbled back as Seto suddenly reared into action. Adam tripped into a stack of books and fell to the floor with a crash as Seto let out another frustrated scream; in one swoop everything on his desk was shoved to the floor. There was an intense pressure radiating from Seto and Adam was paralyzed in fear.

The pressure remained as Seto seemingly relaxed and through a strained voice he spoke aloud, "Tell me, why did Jason die?"

Adam was too stunned with fear and confusion to answer.

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