Chapter 17- "The Finale"

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Bieber Love Story ( #BLS ) Chapter 17

"I Love You"

*Alexis' P.O.V*

It's been days since Justin asked me to the dance. Mom and Pattie were grinning from ear to ear when he did. A day after that, mom brought me dress shopping and I've found the most beautiful dress I've ever seen and decided to buy it. 

Thus, This is why I am here now. Sitting on a chair while my mom curls my hair loosely and puts a beautiful crystal headband. 

After that I slipped on my dress. The dress I bought was purple dress that stopped just above my knees. It had a glittery heart shaped top and a silky fabric for the base. I put on my black pumps and applied some make up. I also added a heart necklace, a bracelet and the ring.

I came down the stairs to see my brothers and parents waiting for me with Pattie and Justin.

Justin was wearing a black tux. He's hair in it's usual style. He looked dashing and handsome. He was talking to dad, Kevin, Joe and Nick. While mom and Pattie were laughing with each other.

"How do I look?" I asked them.

They all turned their attention to me. No one said a word. I almost died seeing Justin's face. His eyes were as wide as saucers and his mouth hung open. It was priceless. 

Mom was the first to break the silence "You look beautiful, sweetie" she squealed hugging me tightly. 

"Thanks mom," I smiled.

Dad and my brothers all said their complements and so did Pattie. 

I went to Justin and asked, "ready to go?" He nodded. "Yeah" 

Honestly, I was disappointed that that was all he said and did. I mean, really? Not even a rose corset or something? 

As we entered the school, we we're greeted by the loud music and smiles. 

“Hello, seniors! Thank you for coming. This is our last prom. So we should all enjoy it and have fun!"

They all cheered and clapped. We danced for a couple of songs, talked to the gang but after a while, Justin disappeared. 

I started to look for him, asking people if they knew where he was but no one did. After a while the lights. Gasps and murmurs went through the crowd. Then all of a sudden the spotlight was on me. I stood there in shock. Then I heard a familiar voice and music started to play. 

Christians starts to make his way to the stage rapping,

“It's your chance take her hand to the floor 

(fellas just the moment you've been waiting for)

Girl if you see something you like then let 'em know

(ladies i know your ready)

Cuz you only got one chance

(yeah yeah)

For your first dance

(you never forget bout your first dance)

So take advantage of the slow jam

(tell 'em J.B.) 

yeah, man”

Then Justin suddenly comes out from behind Christian and sings:

“When I close my eyes,

I see me and you at the prom

We've both been waiting so long

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