Chapter One

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© Floralite

Chapter One: "Introducing  Me"

Hi, My name is Alexis Hope. Born on the 14th of February, I'm currently 16 years old. And yes, I know, my birthday is on Valentine's day which makes it more special. Now let me tell you more about myself and my family.

My parents got divorced a year after I was born. Why? It's complicated. Now, I live with my mom, my stepdad and three older stepbrothers. By the way, after my mom an my stepdad got married, my last name became... Jonas. So now I go by the name is Alexis Hope Jonas.

My oldest step brother is Kevin Jonas. He is quiet tall fellow with curly hair and brown eyes. He is 20 years old, is very funny and fun to be with. He takes me everywhere I want to go. Him and I always love to have fun. My middle stepbrother is Joe, Joe Jonas. He's a bit taller than Kevin. He has dark brown hair and he's 19 years old with brown eyes too. He's the kind of brother you would call "over protective." He has an amazing personality and is the most handsome of the 3 according to most girls. He is always there for me when I need him. My other stepbrother is Nick Jonas, the youngest of the 3. He is 17 years old, about a year older than me. He is a bit shy but he is cute. He has curly hair and is just inches taller than me.

All of my brothers are good in playing instruments and singing. Actually, I am too! Not to sound cocky but I can play the guitar, the piano, the drums and sing. My brothers and I are what they call "talented" but we are just normal teenagers. We are not famous but we do want to be known someday.

I'm half Canadian and half British. My real father was from the UK and my mom was Canadian. They met in LAX. Well, that was what mom used to me when I was young. I live in US now with my mom, my stepdad and my stepbrothers. My stepdad and stepbrothers are americans.

Now, Im going to tell you the story of how my mom and my stepdad met:

My mom was at this party and my stepdad ask her to dance. She happily agreed. When they were dancing she even accidentally stepped on his foot. But by the end of the night they had a good time and stepdad went home with a phone number at hand, it was mom's.

Stepdad proposed in the eiffel tower with a bunch of roses and kneeling down with the ring. My mom was crying so much and said yes. Oh and i forgot to tell you, mom and my stepdad met in France. A friend of my mom's was celebrating her 30th anniversary with her husband. They dated for a whole year. When they met each other,my mom was 20 and stepdad was 22. When my mom got pregnant with me, she was just 18 and dad was 19. They were really young.

Dad asked her to marry him months after he knew she was pregnant. My parents got divorced when I was just a 1 year old. They weren't happy with their relationship anymore. After their divorce my mom moved in with her friend, she had a son. I forgot his name though.. I've never seen him for years! We were very close before i moved to New York but now I don't even remember his name.

I have a ring. He gave it to me before I left. The ring is silver with 5 purple and 5 crystal clear diamonds in the middle of it was letters "Forever A-J" I don't know what it meant but A-J it probably meant "Alexis Jonas" and aybe the "forever" meant that we'll always be bestfriends? But who knows?

I also have a necklace that is heart shaped. It was the one that was broken in half and your other friend gets to keep. I dont know what its called. It says "dream" but i know it has another word in it. Its probably in the other half. Where is that other half? I honestly dont know. At the back of it of the heart are the words:


(A/N: the words in [..] are in the other piece of the necklace owned by someone. I'm not telling who. You guys will find out who it is in the incoming chapters)

Anyways, I've been living in New York for years now. I have a slight British accent. I have long brown hair curly hair and hazel brown eyes. My lips are a pinkish red.

I'm quite a bit short but just the right hieght. People tell me, I have a "great body shape". I love wearing shorts, skirts, sneakers and just a t-shirt on top. I'm the head cheerleader in my school. I'm not very fond if wearing dresses and heels. I only wear them when there are special occasions.

My family is wealthy. We live in a mansion. It has six bedrooms and 1 master bedroom. Four of the bedrooms are for me, Nick, Joe and Kevin. The other two bedrooms are for guests. We have 2 swimming pools: an indoor and an outdoor pool. We also have a recording studio, a theatre, a game room. We have almost everything.

I study in "Palm woods High" a school for the rich and talented. All of us have the same goal in life "BECOMING FAMOUS!" My best friends are: Miley Cyrus, Debby Ryan, Ashley Tisdale, Taylor Swift, Dylan Sprouse, Cole Sprouse, Christian Beadles and Ryan Butler.

Miley is the closest of all my gal friends! She's very talented and beautiful. He dad is famous. My stepdad and her dad are close friends. Me and Miley have been friends since I moved here.

Debby has blonde hair. She is so pretty! And she has such a bubbly personality to match her beautiful looks.

Ashley has blonde hair and is tall. She is good in acting and singing. She is always so hyper and she talks a lot! But that's what I love about her, she's fun to be with.

Taylor has beautiful blonde wavy hair. She can sing great. She's shy but she is kind and gentle. She's very understanding and calm. She plays the guitar and writes song about what happens to her. She is a great friend!

Dylan and Cole are twins. They look a like! I mean come on, they're twins! They both make me laugh. They are both cute too. There always on the run with their crazy antics.

Ryan and Chistian are my best guy friends. They are so funny and kind. They're like brothers to me. Ryan an older brother and Christian a younger one. They love having fun and have great personalities!

Oh and you know what's funny? All of us are sixteen.

I love going to the beach and swimming. I hang out with my best friends everyday! They are the best. We are "the populars". I have my own car.. A white lamborghini! I also have a great personality.

I want to be a singer,dancer, actress and a model someday. I hope it will all happen. All I can do now is wish!

I have a secret to tell you first... All these years i have been finding a someone who has the same ring or necklace like I do. And when I do, I know its him.


Author's Note:

So, hey. This chapter's long, don't you think? Don't worry it will be more interesting, i promise. This chapter is just about Alexis introducing herself. I pretty sure you're thinking "That Alexis girl is an arrogant bitch" but I can tell you she is not. She may sound as if she is perfectly happy about herself but please read the story first. How is my story so far? Follow me on twitter: @KidrauhlingCrew. Thanks for reading!

Love, Keigh.

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