Chapter 8- "Who's that dude?"

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Bieber Love Story ( #BLS ) Chapter 8

"Who's that dude?"

Justins POV:

I didnt go to bed yet. 

I was using my phone. 

I went to see pictures. 

Then i saw 11 photo albums. 

I clicked on the first album.

It was all my pictures. 

Then and now.

The 2nd album was all ryan and with me

The 3rd was all miley and me

The 4th was all cole and me

The 5th was dylan and me

The 6th was all debby and me

The 7th was all taylor and me

The 8th was all ashley and me

The 9th was all christian and me

And the 10th was all alexis. 

Only her. 

I dont have a picture with her yet

And the last album was group and random pics.

I clicked on the 10th album. 

I saw her pictures.

She was so damn beautiful.

I think im falling for her




You cant be!

It will ruin your friendship.

I fell alsleep looking at her pictures.

Her sweet gorgeous face.

--Monday Morning--

I texted alexis that i'll wait for her 

outside the school.

I wore a Red v-neck with some black skinny jeans. 

Put on a black leather jacket, my red supras, 

dog tag and i put my ring in it. 

I put on some raybans and put my iphone in my pocket. 

I the breakfast. 

Kissed my mom goodbye 

and grabbed the keys to my car. 

My friend and mom bought it for me since I didn't have a car.

It was a black Lamborghini.

Awesome huh? 

I know

I got to school. 

Parked my car. 

And waited for alex. 

I crossed my arms 

and leaned on the wall. 

Everyone was looking at me 

and smiling at me 

all wanting to be friends with me.


they ignored my when i was ugly 

and when i completely changed 

they want to be my friends.

Fake ass bitches.

I saw alexis getting out of a blue sports car. 

It wasnt hers. 

It was the guy i saw at the mall's car.

How did i know? 

I saw him get out. 

I yelled,


She looked at me. 


Her beautiful brown eyes and her long brown hair.

She smiled at me and waved.

Then she came walking towards me

Saying hi to everyone who greeted her. 

She was popular yet she was SO NICE. 

She was standing right next to me. 

And gave me a hug.

Alexis: "justin, thanks for everything"

Me: "your welcome" 

She just smiled 

and walked to school with me by her side.

We saw dean with his gang coming straight towards us.

She whispered 

"just follow my lead"

I nodded slowly getting all confused.

She began holding my hand. 

I felt sparks. 

The butterflies were out. 


I love her touch.

Her soft hand on mine.

Dean was approaching us. 

I was still wearing my raybans. 

Dean: "well, well, well. 

Why isnt it my dear alexis" 

he said while touching her cheek.

she flinched a bit. 

Me: "Dont touch her, you ass" I said 

taking his hand off alex's cheek. 

No one touches my girl.




Did i just say my girl?


I wish she was.

Dean: "who do you think you are?!" 

Looking at me.

Me: "you don't remember me? 

Im the nerd you bullied 

and im the guy who punched you in the mall. 

Remember me?" i said with a smirk.

Dean: "since when have i bullied you? 

Wait your that beaver kid? 

The nerd?" he said laughing.

Alexis: "it's bieber, you bitch."

Dean: "get out of this love."

Alexis: "love? Did you just call me love?! 


Im not your love. 

I have someone else."

Dean: "who is it then? 

I'll beat the shit out of him." 

he said punching his fist in the wall." 

Alexis: "its, its, uh." 

then she looked at me. 

She didn't know what to say. 

So i said,


i mouthed her 

and said "follow my lead now"

She nodded in agreement.

Dean: "him? Haha. Dont make me laugh."

Alexis:" yeah him. Got a problem with that."

Alexis:"you little-" he said trying to punch her.

By now the entire student body 

were there watching us.

I grabbed his fist and said: 

Me: "dont you dare touch her"

Dean: "what will you do?im so scared"

He said laughing.

Me: "i'll punch you again if i have to"

Dean: "you wouldnt dare"

Me: "oh. I dare alright. I dare"

Dean: "you will regret this" 

he said grabbing alexis by the wrist.

She yelped in pain.

Me: "let go of her"

He did was he was told

Dean: "you'll regret this. Both of you" 

and walked away.

I turned around to see alexis on the floor. 

She was holding her wrist 

that was really red 

and by now was crying.

I picked her up. 

I was holding her waist 

and she was holding mine too. 

Quietly sobbing on my chest.

I patted her back and said: 

"there, there alex. 

It will be fine. 

Im here and i'll never 

and i mean NEVER leave you. 


She nodded and hugged me tight. 

I looked around to see people starring at us. 

Giving us smiles and "awws"

Me:"there's nothing to see here people. 

You can go back to what your doing now. 


They did as they were told and left. 

She was still sobbing. 

I wanted to make her laugh. 

So i told her a joke:

Me"Are you a dictionary?"

Alexis"what? No."

Me: "ask why."

Alexis: "uhh. Why?"

Me: "coz you give meaning to my life"

Alexis: "hahaha.thats so corny"

Me: "i know. Just wanted to see you smile" 

i said giving the cheesiest grin.

Alexis: "thankyou. Your always there for me. Promise me something?" 

she said looking at me straight in the eyes.

[They were still hugging btw.]

Me "what is it?" 

i said looking down at her. 

She was like 5'2 and i was 5'9. 

Alexis: "that will be BFFL 

and i mean for life 

and that you will never leave me "

Me: "of course 

but you have to promise 

the same thing to me though too."

A"definitely" she said with a smile.

I smiled back.

We looked into each other's eyes

Me: "Alexis?"

Alexis: "yeah?" she asked

as her eyes scintillated 

(in other words, sparkled)

Me:"I love you"


Is he really saying I love you 

or is it all an act? 

Don't you think they look cute together?

They would make the perfect couple.

But they are a couple now,

A fake one.

Why would happen when Justin 

said I love you to Alexis?

Will she say it back 

or just walk away?

Thanks for reading!

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