Chapter 10- "The 'it' couple"

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Bieber Love Story ( #BLS ) chapter 10

"The 'it' couple"

*Alexis' POV*

Debby: "OMG! You guys are dating!"

Christian: "correction. 

She said FAKE dating."

Debby: "whatever Chris! 

It's almost the same. 

They are 'dating' in the public eye, 


Ashley: "want us to make it look believable? 

Because some people might doubt it's not real."

Justin: "why not?" He said smirking.


He looked sexy.

What am i saying? 

He's my bestfriend. 

I gotta get him out of my head.

Me: "umm.. Sure."

I wanted to shout "YES" 

So badly but i coudnt. 

And i wont. 

Ashley: "so its set! After school ok?" 

Me and Justin: "ok."

Ryan: "Yo, JB! leggo. 

You got tryouts for soccer, 

basketball and others dude!"

Justin: "alright. 

Bye babe."

He said kissing my cheek because we were in public. 

His kiss electrified me.

I hope he felt the same way.

*Justin's POV*

-skipping to try outs-

We changed into our basketball clothes 

and went to the court for the try outs. 

Then i saw a guy that was a bit bald

and he was slightly fat in the stomach 

but had muscles.

He appeared a bit grouchy.

Couch: "alright boys. 

I'll call you one by one to test your skills 

and you have to play against my best players"

Ryan whispered to me,

"Thats us"

I simply nodded my head.

The couch started yelling names.

"David Ericson"

"Austin Greenwood"

"Daniel Jordan"

"Aaron Bridgeworth"

Until he said

"Justin Bieber"

I was trying out for basketball first

Then i would try out for the others after this.

I could see the cheerleaders practicing their cheer.

They were doing the pyramid.

But there was a girl that caught my eye. 

She was the one on the top and she was instructing them on what to do.

She was the head cheerleader perhaps.

She had long brown hair 

and she had a great body. 

She was beautiful.

Then i realized..

It was Alexis.

I heard her yell:

"alright people! 10 minute break!"

Then she went to the bleacher with the girls and watched us.

Her watching me 

made me want to do my best 

but a hundred times better.

I started dribbling the ball. 

And avoiding ryan and the boys.

"Oh Man!"

Dylan shouted 

For I had scored for the fifth time.

Couch: "Alright bieber! Welcome to the team"

I was so happy!

I this was my first time being in a basketball team.

I was usually in the library studying or something before.

The boys cheered saying "Justin, justin, justin" 

The couch shook my hand

And said,

"welcome to the team, bieber"

One again.

It was a great feeling.

Then alexis yelled my name while running over to me


Then i lifted her up and spun around.

"Congrats babe! 

You did great! 

I knew you could do it!" she said

"thanks baby"

"BIEBER" yelled my team mate, Louis Parker. 

"what?" I asked.

"Come here! Group meeting!" he yelled again.

"Thats my que. Bye love"

"bye babe" she said kissing my cheek.

She walked away but stopped in her tracks when i said

"I'll wait for you later babe!"


She gave me a flying kiss

And i pretended to take it and put it in my chest.

I did a "love" shape with my hand

As she waved goodbye.

She yelled to her co-cheerleaders

That it was time to practice again.

I wish our relationship was real.

I wanted everyday to be like thing.

I wanted to call her mine,

For real.

*Alexis' POV* 

I watched justin during he's try outs

And he looked hot 

I think the girls noticed it too

Dezirey: "Who's that boy over they? 

He looks sexy!"

I tensed up. 

Mariah: "i know right! Do you think he's got a girlfriend?"

My fist clenched.

Hannah: "i dont care if he does have one. I want him."

Jealousy and anger rushed through me.

Ashley: "shut up gals! He's taken."

Dezirey, Mariah and Hannah:

"What?!! By who?!!"

Ok, this is making me real mad.

Miley: "by this gal over here." she said pointing at me.

They all looked at me.

Lexi: "are you serious?" she said in a jealous bitchy tone

I wanted to slap her right now!

But i wont.

Me: "you know what. Im out! "

Then i went to justin.

Not because i wanted to prove 

to them i was telling the "truth",

But its because i wanted them to know that

he is MINE! 


He was looking handsome as ever 

and he looked so so so hot!

I know i keep on saying hot and sexy 

but i just cant help myself.

I am telling the truth.

I found it cute when i blew him a kiss

And he pretended to catch it 

and put it in his chest. 

I also found it cute 

when he did a heart shape 

with his hands at me.

Why cant we be real? 

He was such a great "boyfriend"

*Justin's POV*

-skipping to the end of tryouts-

I got in to basketball, soccer, american football and baseball.

I went over to watch alexis cheer 

with the boys not far behind.

She was doing a routine 

where she was being lifted up in the air 

and she did some kind of pose. 

Her left hand on her waist 

An her right has was used to point.

She was pointing directly at me

and winked at me 

Then, she was being thrown up in the air 

and they caught her. 

Then she said: "great job everybody!

See you on thursday. 

Here at the gym at exactly 5 pm! 

You guys can leave now. 


She waved and smiled to them.

Then went to me and i hugged her.

"you did great babe"

"you know that no one else is here right? 

So you can stop it now."

"Naaah. I dont want to."

"uh, why?"

"umm.. For practice"

"ok then. Whatever you say"

-outside the school-

Christian: "aye biebs! Over here!"

Taylor: "alexis!"

Me: "justin, theyre over there!" I said as I pointed at them.

Justin: "leggo"

We walked to the bench they were sitting at.

Me: "what are we doing waiting here? 

Were are the others at?"

Taylor: "the girls are at ashley's house."

Christian: "and the guys are at ryan's."

Justin: "why? I thought we were gonna practice?"

Christian: "consider it cancelled! 

We're going to Connor's house. 

He's having a party 

and he's inviting us."

Me: "Connor? 

As in conner peterson? 

The guy i had a crush on before?"

*Justin's POV*

She had a crush on him?! 

We're going to his house.

Who knows what will happen?! 

Will she fall for him again? 

Or does she still like him?

Does he like her?

I have so many questions in my head.

All wanting an answer.

I snapped out of my thoughts when

Alexis waved her hand at my face 

and started saying: 

"Justin! Justin! Snap out of it!"

Me: "uhh, you have a crush on him? 

Until now?"

Alexis: "I HAD a crush on him. 

But i still think he's handsome though."

She said blushing.

Me: "oh"

Christian interupted us by saying:

"we better get going. Wouldn't want to miss it right?"

Taylor: "yeah, we better go. Come on alexis!"

Alexis: "the boys arent coming with us?"

Taylor: "nope, just you and me girl. But they'll drop us off first."

-skipping to end of car ride-

*Justin's POV*

Taylor: "bye guys!" 

Then she went inside without hesitating.

Alexis: "bye chris! Bye justy!"

She said as she waved and blew us a kiss.

Christian: "bye alexis!"

Me: "bye alex!"

Then we drove off when they went inside.

Christian: so justy huh?

I blushed.

"Yeah. She made me that nickname"

He chuckled.

"friendship taking a whole new level 

i see." 

he said as he jokingly winked at me.

"pshh! Nah, just friends." i lied 

looking out the window in a mono tone.

Well, i didnt exactly 'lie'

But you get the picture.

I like her.

I want to be more than just friends.

Will the party make us that 

or will it just ruin it for me 

because of that Connor kid?

Well just have to wait and see.

But i WILL make her fall in love woth me just like im MADLY in love with her! 

*Alexis' POV*

-at ashley's house-

Me: "hey girlies!" i yelled from the living room

Debby: "over here hun! Ashley's bedroom"

Me: "okay."

As we walked up the stairs to ashleys room

me: "what am i going to wear? I dont have a dress!"

Ashley: "well hello to you too!"

I rolled my eyes.

I faked a laugh 

"Ha. Ha. Ha. VERY FUNNY" 

i said sarcastically 

ashley: "why thankyou! 

I know im funny! 

And have a perfect dress for you right here!"

Me: "were is it then?"

Ashley: "its a surprise! 

I'll show you later 

after you're done with everything else.

We'll do me first then taylor 

then Miley then debby 

then you, alexis."

After we finished all four of them.

This is what they wore..





It was finally my turn.

They left my hair down and curled them. 

They put make up on me.

It was quite light but party-like.

Miley: "ok alexis. Its time to change."

Me: "But i dont have anything to wear."

Debby: "its right here."

She said 

holding a beautiful short 

one shoulder purple dress 

with a big ribbon as a strap.


I wore black louis vuitton heels

And these beautiful accessories.

I wore my special ring and necklace too.

Taylor: "wow, alexis! You look amazing!"

Me: "thanks."

i stood there near the mirror 

admiring what they've done to me 

and awaiting what will happen next

At the party.

*Justin's POV*

I was here with the guys chillin' in the couch.

Ryan: "i bet there are lots of hot chicks in the party."

Christian: "and pretty girls."

Dylan: "but first, 

we got to make our man, justin here

look swaggin for his girl"

Me: "you know were fake right?"

Cole: "psh. We know you got the hots for her!"

Me: "HELL NO" i said telling an absolute lie.

Ryan: "stop pretending man. 

We know you like her. 

So lets get started!"


I said smirking.

"make me extra sexy"

christian: "haha. Will do man! Will do!"

Me: "aight cool. 

But what will i wear? 

I aint got anything to wear."

Cole: "Its right over here bro."

He said revealing big black box 

that says "JB" 

in big purple letters.

Dylan: "consider this our gift to you."

I opened it revealing a brown leather jacket. 

Some skinnys, 

black supras and a black V-neck. 

I wore my brown leather watch 

and my ring.

Something i'll never leave without.

Then i fixed my hair,

All in all, i looked like this:

[he is the one in the far left, 

if you don't know. LOL]

After we all finished,

We went to fetch the girls.

We knocked on the front door and ashley's mom answered it.

Us: "hello Mrs. Tisdale"

Ms. Tisdale: "hello boys. 

You boys look great! 

Come in, come in!"

We came in and sat in the living room couch.

Ms. Tisdale: "girls! The boys are here! Come on down!"

She yelled beside the beautiful spiral staircase.

Girls: "coming!"

So we stood up to wait for them.

Ashley came down 

Then miley

Then taylor

Then debby 

Then last but not the least, alexis.

She looked stunning.

I approached her and said:

"you look beautiful" 

She blushed and said


Ryan: lets go everyone! 

-At the party-

We were walking to the door 

and we could already hear 

the music blasting. 

The house with so big!

We knocked on the door 

and a guy came opening it.

Guy: "hey guys! Come in! The party just started."

Christian: "thanks Connor."

So thats connor. 

Then he eyed alexis and approached her.

Connor: "alexis, you look hot tonight baby."

Alexis: "thanks!"

The party was on full swing. 

People dancing and grinding each other.

Some were drinking

Heck, some were already drunk.

We all danced and stuff.

After dancing dylan suggested we go drinking.

I never drank before.

But what the hell.

Time to lay loose have fun and party!

We went to the bar and asked for shots.

We drank a lot!

We were all tispy and we started dancing again.

A looked to my left

And alexis was grinding with connor.

Connor: "why dont we continue this in my room?"

Alexis: "Nooooo. I got a boyfriend."
She said rather tipsy.

Connor: "aww, cmon. he doesnt have to know."

Anger was rushing through me.

My fist was clenched 

Then i punched him. 

"she has a boyfriend 

And she said NO"

Then I held here hand 

and led her back to the bar.

Me: "are you ok?"

Alexis: "yeah, thanks"

Then we started drinking some more

and we started dancing 

and grinding eachother.

Me: "i really like you."

Alexis: "i really like you too."

Then we both leaned in and kissed.

Even if we were drunk,

I felt a spark.

We made out that night

I dont know what we did next 

i forgot because of blacking out 

thanks to all that drinking.

-the next morning-

*Alexis' POV*

I woke up and groaned. 

I have a major headache.

What happened last night?

I looked around. 

This wasnt my bedroom.

I stood up to see me 

not in the dress i wore last night.

I was only wearing my lingerie.

I started panicking a bit

Then i could here soft snores.

The snores were coming from under the covers.

Me being my curious self 

had to go see who it was.

I lifted the covers revealing

A shirtless guy with hot abs

he was still wearing his black skinnys.

He had brown hair and he looked really familiar.

Who could he be?

What did we do?

Why is he shirtless and were is my dress?

And why am i wearing only my lingerie?

I tried to see who it was.

He looked perfect.

Then it hit me.

This hot guy.

Laying beside me


my 'fake' boyfriend

My best friend 

The guy i am falling for,

Justin Drew Bieber

No way?!


Where are they now?

What did they do? 

Why is he shirtless?

and why is she only wearing her lingerie? 

And they shared a drunken kiss.

Will they remember it? 

Are they the perfect 'it' couple?

Girls are falling for Justin 

and Alexis is getting jelly ;)

What happened to Connor?

So, justy's now a part of the soccer, 

Basketball, baseball team.

Hot ;)

Alexis is the head cheerleader.

Is this a typical high school love story?

Well you'll have to wait and see.


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