Chapter Three

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© Floralite

Chapter Three: "Who Are You?"

We all started walking to class but then I bumped into someone. I was already on the floor grumbling in pain. "I'm sorry. I didnt see you and.." I look up to see this guy with a worried expression on his face as he started to explain. "No no, It's fine," I dismissed as he started to ramble. Christian helps me up and asks if I'm okay. "I'm alright," I said. Taylor sighed, "That's good." Ryan looked at the guy and asked him who he was. The guy looked down and said, "I'm Justin, Justin Bieber." He was quite tall with a nerdy appearance. He had thick framed glasses and wore baggy clothes. 

"I'm guessing you're new?" Miley snarled. Justin nodded hesitantly. "obviously!" Ashley snapped as she glared at him. "Excuse me?" Justin asked as he stared at her in shock. "No nerd will ever bump any of us. Back off," Cole added. What's wrong with them? Why are they acting so mean? "No, I'm sorry. I really am!" Justin said frantically. "Chill man. We were just messing with you," said Cole. "Guys, that was so mean of you! I'm sorry Justin and like I said it's fine," I said flashing him a reassuring smile.

Then we walked away after saying a quick goodbye.We were walking to class when I remembered that I forgot my History book in my locker. So I told them I'd catch up with them. They headed to the class while walked through the empty hallways. Well.. I thought it was empty until I saw a jock bullying some boy. I went to check on them and they were talking. I saw Dean punching the kid from a far.

Dean Evans is one of the jocks. He's my ex boyfriend. He is the captain of the football team. The so called "High school hottie" He is tall, has blonde hair and blue eyes. He is extremely handsome and rich but he's attitude just doesn't seem to cut it which is why I broke up with him. I started to eavesdrop on their conversation.

"Stop punching me, please," the boy begged. "What are you gonna do about?" Dean raised his fist. "You stupid nerd. I don't ever want to see you again!" he said as he punches him in the face. The boy was already bleeding badly. He screamed in pain while holding his now black eye. "Aww, did it hurt? Poor baby." Dean continued to mock him. The boy didn't answer he just looked down on the ground. "What's your name anyway, nerd?" asked Dean.The boy stuttered, "Justin Bieber" Dean started yelling at him to not go near 'his girl' again. "I don't even know her!" Justin defended as he tried to avoid Dean's punches. "Then why were you talking to her?! Don't go near her or else!" Dean starts kicking Justin and he fell on the floor. He pleaded for Dean to stop while Dean simply laughed and said, "Make me"

Who is the girl? Is it me? I just couldn't take it anymore. Justin was hurting badly. I knew I had to do something, anything. So I did.

"Hey Dean," I said giving him a flirty smile as I touhed his shoulder. He looked at me with shock, "Alexis?" I bit my lip, "yeah babe." He looked around, "What are you doing here?" "I want you back," I pleaded. He started to doubt. "It's true. I never should of broke up with you. Everyday, i regret. I regret that I wasn't in your arms. That you weren't hugging me or kissing me when I have a bad days. I need you back, Dean. I never should of left you. Im sorry" i said tearing up. I ran straight to his arms waiting for him to hug back and he did. I held his head looked up and said "i love you." Dean looked at me, "what?" "i said i love you now kiss me!" I demanded. When he started to lean in, I punched him.

"Nope. I changed my mind! What I did there just now was called acting. And I think I did pretty good", I said smirking. He gave me a murderous glare. I held my hand out for a handshake, "Still friends?" He hesitated but he took it eventually. I did a karate move, I took his hand and made him swing to the floor. "You think after everything you did, I still want to be friends? Think again. You disgust me," I said. He mumbled, "That bitch." I grabbed his arm, "what was that?" He didnt respond. "That's what I thought,' I said letting go of his arm. I looked at him and shook my head. "What I said about you was true. You were the best boyfriend ever, Dean. I just cant believe you would hit me like that. I loved you Dean. I loved you. Well, things change right." He stood up, "Hey, I didn't mean to but you were being the little bitch you are so you deserved it." That's it, this has been the last straw. "Jerk. Just fuck off and leave now!" I said slapping him. Dean ran and said "you will regret this! You will want me back one dy" I shook my head, "in your dreams!!" 

Then Dean was gone just like that, leaving the hallway dead silent as we try to register what had happened. 

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