Tom Holland - Do-Over (pt.1)

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"You need to stop assuming things Tom!" She yelled at me.
"I'm not assuming anything (Y/N)! I've seen the pictures, I know what happened!" I shouted back.
"No you don't! I've told you before, if you would just let me-"
"NO!" Her eyes widened, I could feel her fear radiating from her being. It was obvious I had scared her. My face was red and my hands were in tight fists. My voice was raised, that was the main thing, I never have my voice raised.

"I'm sick of the lying now get out of my apartment." I looked at her and saw the tears welling in her eyes.
"But Tom-"
"I said, GET OUT!" My finger pointed towards the door. The tears started to pour down her cheeks. But I didn't care. I didn't care that she was crying.

I didn't care.
She was crying and I didn't care.
I scared her and I didn't care.
I just didn't.

"Come back for your stuff in the morning." I glared her down.

I watched her as her mouth closed and she covered it with the palm of her hand. She looked at the floor and started to walk backwards.
"I hate you... Tom Holland... I hate you so much! Don't ever speak to me again."

After a few more seconds she started to run out of my apartment. I could hear her footsteps down the hall and I looked out the window, waiting to see her small figure fleeing down the steps of the building.

The only thing is, it was raining hard when she ran outside. The steps were steep. And now, thanks to the rain, slippery. My eyes widened as I saw the image unfold before my very eyes. Her worn out converse hit the edge of a step. She had fallen down that step so many times before, I was broken and prone to further crumbling. Not only did she slip. her body flew down the steps. Her head landing on that step, and her body rolling down the rest. Clumps of concrete coated in blood following in her wake
"(Y/N)!" I yelled from the window.

I rushed to get my shoes on and ran out of my apartment, not before grabbing my keys, however. I didn't bother to grab a jacket and just ran out into the hall and into the rain. I ran to the steps and carefully descended.
"Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!" I yelled.
"Fuck!" I screamed.
"No!" I shouted. I reached the bottom of the steps and threw my body down to her level. I looked up to the fateful step and saw blood washing away in the rain. My hands carefully reached over to her head and lifted it slowly onto my lap. I looked around and people wer starting to stare.
"What the fuck... do you think... you're all DOING?!" I called to them all. I turned back to the love of my life staring. She laid there still. Her chest was moving but her muscles were not. I reached one of my hands back to my pocket and realised that I had left my phone in my living room. I shot my head back up and saw the people still staring. One little girl looked at me with sad eyes, she gripped onto her mother's hand and tried to sink behind her.
"Don't just stand there!" I began to yell louder than ever before. People starting to get confused and worried about my state. People were taking photos of me. This would be everywhere.

I set (Y/N)'s head down carefully and stomped over to the nearest person with a phone out, taking pictures.
"How about you do something useful with this goddamn phone and call a fucking ambulance." I didn't know it but tears were streaming down my face at this point.

The rest of the evening went by in a blur. People rushing around. Blood everywhere. Tears stinging my eyes. A pounding in my head. A single thought roaring at me over and over: 'it's your fault, you should've just let her speak'...

*time skip*

The hospital had become all too familiar to me after visiting it daily for the past week. The doctor said that she would wake up within ten days. Maximum. And it had been eight days. I stared at her day in day out, just as I was doing today. I took a hold of her hand, repeating under my breath about how it was my fault.
"I am so sorry that I did this to you. I never meant to. I should've just let you explain." Her hand gripped mine and I looked up. Her eyes scrunched up and she shook her head from side to side a few times before her eyes fluttered open, revealing the beautiful (e/c) gems that she had for eyes.
"Oh my God, (Y/N)! I am so sorry about everything I should've just let you-"
"Woah woah woah woah! What is happening?" She looked at me with furrowed brows.
"What?" I breathed.
"Who the fuck is (Y/N)?"

A/N: Why did that take me so long? Cause I'm a procrastinator and due to my horrible decisions in life, the majority of my readers have now left me. God, I actually hate myself. There will be a part 2 to this, it isn't finished yet. I can tell you that now. Apologies over this taking so long. I will get better at publishing imagines, I promise. However, it is hard, I do run out of ideas sometimes so if any of you could try and request stuff, I'd be happy to write what you ask. Literally anything. I am not kidding. Anything. Yeah, that's right any of you sinners out there. I will write that shit for you. I swear. Anyway, that's it from me, see you either tomorrow or next week. Have a good week everyone.

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