Tom Holland - Piece of Gold

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Tom's P.O.V

Working on all of these different movies was great, I couldn't be happier is what I always say. And I guess that's true except there is something that could always make my days at work so much better. It's why I prefer to work in London. Or at least when she's around anyway. What I'm trying to say is: I miss my wife. (Y/N) (L/N). The sweet scented goddess as I call her. She is my one and only. I have never loved someone as much as I love her in my life. I was happier than ever now because I was able to go home and surprise her. But... when I walked inside... everything stopped.

No she wasn't cheating. Or watching porn or something weird. In fact. She wasn't doing anything. And I don't mean that she was dead. I mean she wasn't there. "Babe?!" I yell.
"Where are you?!" I start to walk through the house to find her. But that's when I see it. Sitting on the kitchen counter. That one piece of gold that made my life complete. That one piece of gold that made everything better when I wanted to give up. That one piece of gold that could ruin everything when without its owner.

And that's exactly what it did.

The tears pricked at my eyes. My hands and legs started to quiver. My bottom lip no longer still. My breaths irregular. My heart pulling me forward into a dark abyss. The water rushed down my cheeks. I slowly stepped to the counter. It was as if I didn't know how to walk. I reached the counter and grabbed the edge to keep myself up. With one hand I picked up the ring. The ring that belonged to my wife.

My lips tasted salty from the tears that had slipped over them and my eyes were sore and my hair was ruffled and my thoughts were racing and my hands were quivering and my heart was ripped and my heart was shredded and my heart was dead but it was pumping pumping pumping. More than I thought it ever could. My fingers tangled in my hair and gripped. Gripped as if my hair was my last chance of getting (Y/N) back.

But then everything stopped once more. With a sound. A word. A simple break of silence. Just one word. One word to change it all and keep everything as it were at the same time. One word that I could listen to on repeat when said in that voice. A voice so perfect an angel would would go mute just so that they wouldn't have to hear their own voice ever again. A voice that can bring a smile to my face. A voice that can mend my heart. A voice that can make life worth living. And yet, it was a voice that could bring tears to my eyes. A voice that could tear at my heart and make it bleed. A voice that could make me wish for death. And right now... I didn't know which one it was, but I had an idea as to which one it would be.

"Tom?" It was just one word. But it meant everything and nothing all at the same time. I couldn't reply. I could only choke on a sob and grip my hair harder. "Tom, what's wrong?" I looked up at her and sobbed all the more. I couldn't get my words out. All I could do was latch on to her. Wrap my arms around her as if she was falling away from me. "Tom what's going on? Why are you crying?" She held me as my tears soaked her shoulder.
"Please... please... please don't leave me."
"What?" She laughed a bit, she didn't understand and that just made me worse once more.
"I'm sorry, whatever I'm doing wrong I'll fix it, I'll do anything just please don't leave me, stay, I'm sorry, please... don't go... I need you... I love you so much, I can't live without you, please don't go." The words just kept coming out of my mouth. It was like a flood that would never end. I felt her soft hands grab my arms and push me a away a little but she never let go of my arms. "What are you talking about? I'm never going to leave you. Not now, not ever, I can't live without you. I live to see you on my phone every night, for the FaceTime calls we have when you're away and I live to see you in the morning when I wake up with your arms wrapped around me. I promise Tom, I am never going to leave you. I love you."
"The-then why was-was your r-ring on the k-k-kitchen counter?" I choked out.
"Honey, I told you last week and every day since then."
"Told me what?" I licked my cracked lips and the taste of salty tears filled my mouth.
"I told you I was going to do collabs with loads of people and I didn't want to lose my ring so I kept it here where it would be safe."
"Why did you need to take it off in the first place?" I was confused. More so than ever. I thought she was leaving me but she's not. I thought she hated me but she doesn't. I thought she was going to walk out the door and leave me in the dust but she never will. "I told you, Dan and Phil and I were going to be baking and that could ruin my ring or at least make it very hard to clean. Jack and I were doing dark side stuff, so he was doing Anti and I was doing DigiDevil and as far as I know, DigiDevil isn't into marriage, I'm pretty sure other bad sides would agree. And then I was doing challenges with Felix, loads with slime, pumpkin carving with Wiishu and then some more baking with Phil and then a weird challenge with Dan. Most of those could have easily ruined my ring so I had to take it off but I didn't want to lose it so I left it here where I knew it would be."
"Oh thank god, I love you so much!" Now I was crying for a totally different reason. My lips were curved into a quivery smile.

I wrapped my arms around her once more. My lips were pressed against her cheek for a few seconds before I was muttering thank you over and over again. "Oh, Tom, I can't believe you. You forget everything I tell you." She giggled.
"I never forget how much you mean to me though."
"You may never forget that but I bet you forgot that it's our anniversary today."
"W-what?" I looked up with wide eyes.
"I'm kidding, that's not until next week, but how about we go into our bedroom and then I'll show you how much I love you."
"O-ok, yeah. That would be really nice." And everything was perfect all over again.

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