Peter Parker - 37 minutes

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Peter's P.O.V

"Peter! Where the hell have you been!" Aunt May screamed.
"I've been out." I said. I wasn't too sure what I could say. I was out on the spot and I didn't have a lie prepared. "WHERE?! Do you have any idea how I worried I've been?! I have called the police nearly ten times. TEN TIMES!"
"Look I'm sorry-"
"No! Sorry isn't enough! This is not the first time you have done this but it sure as hell won't happen again for the next few weeks!"
"I'm grounded?" I asked. I was extremely calm because being grounded didn't really affect me, Tony said he wouldn't need me for a while.

"Yes! You are grounded! And... and no TV!"
"The TV is broken..." I told her.
"Uh... no laptop then!"
"You do realise I need my laptop for school right?" She sighed at my reply.
"You know I'm not good at this... uh... no cell phone?"
"That's broken too..." just as I said that (Y/N) came through the door.
"Hey, Pet-"
"No (Y/N)!" May bursted out, pointing towards my girlfriend who knew why I was gone, and knew that May would be pissed off.
"No (Y/N)?" She whined.
"No (Y/N)!" May repeated.
"Are you serious?!" I asked, dumbfounded. No (Y/N)... how the hell would I be able to do that. "How long for?" I asked.
"For uh.... one month!"
"A MONTH?!" We yelled in unison.
"Yes now, say your goodbyes to each other, I'm sorry, but (Y/N), you need to go."

I turned to (Y/N) with a sad face. "I'll see you in a month, (Y/N)..."
"See you in a month, Sweetie..." she said. We shared a kiss and she gave me a hug before walking out of the door. I felt a tear slip down my cheek as I watched her go. I sighed and walked to my room.

I changed into my Spider-Man suit and went on the roof. I decided to pass the time by practising different web combinations and stuff.

Hours went by, my favourite so far was web grenade. I laid down on the edge of the roof and started to talk to Karen. After a while I asked a question that was important. "Hey, Karen?"
"Yes Peter?"
"How long has it been since I last saw (Y/N)?"
"37 minutes." She said.
"37 minutes? That's it?! I thought it was hours! Ok that's it I'm out! I need to see (Y/N)... I need to kiss her!" And with that I swung from the roof tops to get to (Y/N).

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