Tom Holland - Big Red X (pt. 2)

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Your P.O.V

It was dark. Too dark. I couldn't make anything out. It was like I had been swallowed by the ground. That I had spontaneously become blind... or the lights were just off.

I heard a series of thuds before a door opened and a small bit of light entered the room. I could see Tom's silhouette, his hair was curly and messy just as it usually was.

"Hello my love, how are you?" He said with a smirk after flicking a switch. The lights flashed before staying on and I could see the dark look in Tom's eye. I used to be best friend's with this man but now, I could not see that man. All that seemed to be left was a shell of what used to be. It was scary in all honesty. I mean... who wouldn't be scared by this, imagine your best friend, the person you could talk about anything with, going crazy and kidnapping someone that they call their love.

"Aren't you going to say hello back?" His smirk had dropped and I sucked in a deep breath, the air smelling almost damp.
"Well, say it!" He yelled after another few seconds, his hands slamming down onto the arms of the chair that I was tied to.
"Hello." I whimpered. I stared. It's all I was capable of.
"Good." He sighed and brushed his hand through his hair.

"Would you like anything to drink or eat, my love?" I shook my head lightly in response. My voice seemed to have disappeared.
"Use your words darling." His voice was now a growl and his teeth were clenched.
"N-no..." I murmured.
"Are you sure?"
"As you wish." He stated. He turned and went to leave through the door and my mouth opened before I could stop it.

"Where are you going?" I whimpered, gripping the arms of my chair.
"Just to go and make some calls."
"B-but won't people be wo-wondering where I am?"
"That's the point of the calls, darling. People are gonna need to know that they aren't going to be seeing you for a long, long time." His eyes went dark and he smirked a sinister smirk. This man was not the man that I knew and loved.

A tear slipped down my cheek and he shut the door, cutting off my only source of light. I was left in the dark as he had turned off the light. Maybe in the hopes that I would fall asleep.

*time skip*

I was on sure on the fact of how may hours had passed. But Tom hadn't come back down since the first time I saw him. I heard a door shut after he left the room and I'm assuming that it was his front door. I haven't heard a single noise since.

Well, that was until I heard the door slam again. I heard the sound of something being dragged across the floor. It sounded heavy, but not rough. It was a soft dragging sound but it took a while for the sound to travel a relatively short distance. Then I heard a loud pound as I'm guessing that something hit the floor with a thud due to its weight. Then the steps rang throughout the room, getting louder as they came presumably closer.

The door clicked and once again opened. Light flooded the room again and I could see. Tom had a dark colour over his hands ad it looked as though it stained his shirt and part of his neck and face. The colour, however, I could not see due to the lack of light being shone on him. His hand reached for the light switch and the bulb flickered on. The colour that seemed to stain his being was a dark red. I scrunched my eyebrows together and looked at him with wet eyes.
"Tom..." I whimpered looking at him, trying to ignore the idea, about the origin of the red colour, in my brain.
"Hello, sweetheart." He slowly made his way over to me, leaning down and planting his lips on mine. I cowered away and moved my head to the side as to rid my lips of his. He looked at me with a harsh look on his face, before I knew it, the pal of his hand collided with my face.

"When I kiss you, I expect you to kiss back. Do you understand."
"Yes..." I whispered and looked down, I couldn't look at him. Not now.
"Look at me when I talk to you!" He yelled again.
"I'm sorry." I looked at the centre of his brow, I tried but I just couldn't look him in the eyes.
"Now, wait here, I have a surprise for you." He smiled a smile that I couldn't see through. It scared me to see him smile in this state, it was completely and utterly terrifying.

He turned away and began to walk out. After a few moments, I heard the dragging sound again. In mere seconds, I saw Tom's back and he was dragging something into the room. He turned his body and eventually I saw what was in his grasp. The second that my I laid my eyes on what he was dragging, my heart stopped and I began to shake, more so than I already was.
"Sean..." I gasped. The tears began to run uncontrollably. He was laying on the floor. His chest was't moving and blood was slowly dripped out of the large dent in his temple.

"Now, I have you all to myself."
"You're a monster... how could you do this?! YOU'RE A DICK!" I screamed. The fear was eating me up inside.
"I did this so that we could be together... I did this because I love you!" He took a hold of my shoulders and forced me to look into his eyes.
"No! If you loved me, you wouldn't have done any of this! You would've just told me! You wouldn't have killed the man that I love." I shook my head and looked straight into the dark ocean of his eyes.

"You're a fucking monster Thomas, you don't love me..." His face dropped. I couldn't tell what he was thinking. Thoughts were swarming around in his mind. His arm lifted and his right hand met my neck, his long fingers finding their way to grip the sides of my neck.
"That's what you think I am? A monster? Is that right?" I could feel his hot breath fan my face.
"Yes, I do Tom." I grit my teeth.
"Well then... I'm going to show you just how much of a monster I can be."

A/N: Sorry this took so long, also if there are any spelling mistakes, especially any with missing Ns, it'll be because I'm on my laptop and the keys aren't working properly. Bye!

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