Forgotten Heritage

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Sabine slowly came to a stop as she eyed the mountains before her. Ezra slowly coming to stop beside her. "Sabine, what caused you to drag me all the way out here?" He asked. His eyes sweeping the mountain range. "Well, I was exploring Lothal with my brother, and we found something that confused us." Ezra blinked. "Confused us? Can you please explain?" Sabine turned fast, her eyes drifting towards Ezra's.

"Ezra, my mother has ordered an excavation team to these mountains. Because Tristen and I found something of Mandalorian Origin. And so far, no one has been able to gain access. That's why we need you. Because you'll be able to gain access with the force. Without causing serious damage to the object." Ezra blinked. His eyes quickly turning towards the mountains. "Ok."


Theron blinked, his eyes sweeping the command centre. "All hands, brace for impact." Theron felt the place shake as he narrowed his eyes. "All batteries, open fire." His eyes slowly glanced across the many Mandalorian warriors under his command. "Sir, we're taking heavy damage." Theron blinked. His gaze drifting towards the hologram before him. "All hands, it's been an honour serving alongside you all. Unleash everything we have upon them."


Ezra eyed the object that he was told about. "Um, those are engines." Sabine blinked, her eyes slowly coming to a stop as she eyed the engines. "They are too. This is a ship." "Indeed daughter." Ursa noted as she landed by them. "A Keldabe Class Battleship. A relic from the days of the Old Republic." Sabine blinked. "You mean, one of the two capital ships that Mandalore ever used?" Ursa nodded. "Indeed. What's more curious, is the fact that's here."

Ezra slowly walked forward, his eyes glancing over it's hull. "Something's calling to me from inside. Telling me to come." Sabine blinked, her eyes locking with her mother. "What is it Bridger?" Ursa asked. "The dark, the light, whatever this is, it calls to me. It lives between the two." Sabine bit her lower lip. "Can we get inside?" Ursa shook her head. "We have tried, nothing seems to work. The tech used back then was older."

Ezra stopped by the airlock. "This panel is old. But I might be able to..." Ezra placed his hand upon the panel. "Welcome Ezra Bridger to The Vengeance." Sabine and Ursa blinked, they gaze meeting each other. Both looking in shock. "It can't be." Ursa stated, her eyes quickly returning to The Vengeance. Sabine was quick to face her. "Mother?" Ursa walked forward. "It's only a myth, a legend, a tale."

Sabine quickly walked forward. "What is it Mother?" Ursa turned to face Sabine. "Daughter, The Vengeance is a Keldabe Class Battleship of legend. A warship stated to have been the flagship of a legendary Clan of warriors. It's mere presence upon the battlefield was enough to fill the enemy with fear and those under it's command with determination." Ursa explained.

Ezra slowly turned to face the ship. "Then we should look inside." Sabine nodded in agreement. Her mother following them shortly afterwards.


Theron grasped the sides of his command chair hard. "All hands, we're crash landing, brace for impact." Theron narrowed his eyes, watching as the surface came closer and closer. "We die in the glory of battle. We die for Mandalore." Theron exclaimed. His eyes closing as he ship crashed into the ground.


Ezra slowly emerged into a large chamber, his eyes sweeping as they quickly fell upon the Sith Holocron located on the far side. A holoprojector located before it. "A Sith Holocron." Sabine blinked, her eyes gazing upon the racks of weapons and armour spread across the room. "This room seems like an armoury." Ursa nodded, her eyes glancing the unfamiliar insignia on the banners hanging from the ceiling. "This insignia, it is unknown to me."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2019 ⏰

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